Grow Mediums Kaveekz Nirvana Northern Light Autoflower Grow/ 1st grow

Oct 9, 2015
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hey hows it going AFN? I decided to get my Grow Journal going now. I am currently on day 23 and I have daily notes from Seed Day 0 till now. Unfortunately I only have pictures from Veg Days 4,14,18 and today so day 23

A little information about my setup.
Strain: Northern Lights Autoflower by Nirvana Seed co.
Space: 36x36x72 Apollo Grow tent
Light: Platinum LED PM4-XML2
Medium: Coco Coir (Currently in 18oz solo cups/ after 2 weeks from transplant moving to 2 Gallon Smart pots)
Nutrients: General Hydroponics Flora trio/ Rapidstart / Armor Si/ Calimagic

Here is my nutrient chart currently. Abreviations are Flora Micro, Flora Gro, Flora Bloom, Armor Si, Rapidstart, and Calimagic

Here are my notes from Day 22 and behind with pictures

Seed Day 0 10/18 - soaking 4 seeds and Rapid rooters in purified water from store. Will move to propagation chamber later.

Planted into RR and moved into propagation chamber.

Seed Day 1 10/19 watered periodically

Seed Day 2 10/20 Can see taproots inside of the rooters, watered periodically

Seed Day 3 10/21 2 out of 4 have sprouted above the RR, waiting on the last 2 which are definitely en route. 3rd one popped up towards the end of the night.

Seed Day 4/Veg Day 1 10/22 All 4 sprouted and moved to the LED tent with propagation tray.

Veg Day 2 10/23 4 looking good, liking the LED lights at the moment, they are at the highest point.

Veg Day 3 10/24 4 looking good, nice root buildup, waiting till day 4 to potentially transplant to coco.

Veg Day 4 10/25 Transferred to coco/growstones in Solo cups. #2 slight spill, I've seen worse damage to my bagseed grow.

Veg Day 5 10/26 lowered lights to 24" looking good, no negative signs yet

Veg Day 6 10/27 No negative signs from lowered lights, may water them tomorrow. Turned on bloom switch.

Veg Day 7 10/28 Concerned about minor yellow greenish leaves, backing off from bloom switch for now. Will feed tomorrow.

Veg Day 8 10/29 fed today with week 2 nutrients(first actual week of nutrients) 4oz give or take each cup via syringe

Veg Day 9 10/30 coco is still very wet, will water again when top is dry. No signs of nute burn yet

Veg Day 10 10/31 Fed Today, will try to feed everyday from now on. 4 oz each 16 oz total.

Veg Day 11 11/1 Fed today, growth appears to be picking up

Veg Day 12 11/2 Same

Veg Day 13 11/3 2nd set of true leaves got some size to them now

Veg Day 14 11/4 Fed with last of Week 2 nutrients, brewed up week 3 nutes. Turned on the Bloom light



*Pictures above were specifically to try to get help regarding the white discoloration of the leaves, this is one that slightly spilled out during its transplant from Rapid rooter into solo cup.*

Veg Day 15 11/5 Fed with Week 3 nutes today, watching for nute burn/turned on bloom/boost light at 11PM

Veg Day 16 11/6 Turned off the bloom/boost not sure if the ladies can handle that yet. No full on sign of nute burn on leaves, one looked like it may have had a little bit of bleaching on a part of its new growth. Could also be a small case of nute burn. Fed later in the day with week 3 nutes.

Veg Day 17 11/7 Fed today till 10% runoff, may transplant to final pots tomorrow

Veg Day 18 11/8 Transplanted to final pots, watered with ph'd calmag water

*Unfortunately I took this right before I transplanted the last one, All pics from now on will have all 4 hopefully.*

Veg Day 19 11/9 Watered 1/2/3 with week 3 nutes, watered 4 with calmag water due to nute burn issues

Veg Day 20 11/10 Watered with week 3 nutes. Hoping #4 can handle the nutrient strength.

Veg Day 21 11/11 Watered again with week 3 nutes, #4 has brown spots that look like a boron deficiency

Veg Day 22 11/12 Same

Veg Day 23 11/13 Ph'd the nutrient water back down and feeding again today. *Sorry if pics are junk, alot of things to do today*

*top of coco looks dry because I transplanted this one first and got the depth wrong so I added a fresh layer of coco yesterday*

*sideview of 1*


*top 2 pics are of NLA2 which has the issues of the white discoloration, rest of pictures will be side view to show which one it is and top view following*


*not nute burn, got coco on the leaves*



*Think this one had a boron deficiency, brown spots popped up the day after transplant when I watered with just calmag water*

Anywho I think that covers everything from Day 0 till now, will take another look at this after I tend to the ladies as documented from my journal entry, was writing this out while ph'ing my water.

Edit forgot to add in a picture of them in the setup
Howdy Kav nice to meet u bud. :pass: Nice detailed post, helps a lot to nail down what's going on. The yellowing is because they are starving you waited too long to feed them. Im not entirely sure how your nutes work, but definitely bump up the Grow nutes because they need the nitrogen to get green and happy.

Another note about the veg/bloom switches on the LED.. i have an apollo that's similar and if u just run veg at one time, you're losing a big chunk of light power so overall the plant grows less. I run both switches on from the start. That along with some more nitrogen should help get the growth back on track. Good thing about coco is once you adjust plants quickly recover, so dont stress!
Good luck with the rest brother i'm subbing up if u dont mind! :pop:
Thats awesome that you've chimed in JR, i've checked out your logs before I made an account here, I am new to all this but I thought that nitrogen deficiencies start at lower leaves? where as mine is new growth is extremely yellow at this point. Would be glad to have you subbing to this thread. How do you sub to a thread by the way? is that the watch thread button? I did add about 2ML of grow to my current mix and when this batch is gone ill switch to stronger. I am concerned because my ppm's are already starting at 250-330 because of tap water, and when nutes are added it ends up at 675-725. I also fed them everyday from day 10. I was following the growweedeasy flora trio nutrient schedule as it worked decently for my photoperiods but not feeling the same love with my autos
Just got done brewing up my week 4 nutrients, dumped out my last gallon yesterday to make way for more nutrients.
Week 4 nutrient mix(ML per gallon):
Flora Micro 3 ML
Flora Gro 4 ML
Flora Bloom 1.25 ML
Armor Si 1 ML
Rapidstart 2 ML
Calimagic 2.5 ML

PPM of tap water pre nutes: 320
PPM with nutes: 850

Crossing my fingers that this won't nute burn my ladies. I looked at it as moving the flora micro from 50% to 60% strength and Flora Gro from 50% to 80% strength. Flora bloom was slightly bumped up from 40% strength to 50% strength.
Can anyone help? Noticed these "rashes" on my leaves of my NLA1 a couple days ago, Currently on Day 28



I mean they are a lot greener now, and growth is still good for me so I am trying not to worry. Would appreciate any feedback regarding these weird patches.
I'm with jayar. If the spots on the older leaves stay as they are, but no worse, problem solved. I would have said they were hungry at those ppm. Other then the few specks they look great.
Welcome here by the way.
Hi Roark, thanks man! i'm pretty stoked as they enter week 4-5 growth is supposed to explode. I tucked some of the bigger fan leaves under the undergrowth and i'm really surprised at how much undergrowth there is compared to my experimental photoperiods the nodes are so much tighter as well. Probably post a weekly update tomorrow to keep my updates on the same day. I think I am seeing preflowers.. but as a newbie having trouble distinguishing new growth from preflower pistils. Love learning all of this though and really appreciate the help getting the girls back on track.
Week 4 through start of 5, update Currently on Day 30

Veg Day 24 11/14 Added 2ml to last gallon and a half of nutrient water, fed with increased strength. Brewed up week 4 nutes

Veg Day 25 11/15 Fed with Week 4 nutes

Veg Day 26 11/16 Fed with week 4 nutes. Noticed silverish spot on top of one of NLA 1's leave.

Veg Day 27 11/17 Added a humidifier in bedroom(outside of grow tent) as the AC got my throat feeling a little dry in the mornings.

Veg Day 28 11/18 Fed again today. Spots ended up turning brown.

Veg Day 29 11/19 Fed with Week 4 nutes. Brewed up week 5 nutrients which I have decided will be the transitional week. I am actually a week behind the nutrition schedule and just trying to right my wrong.

Veg Day 30 11/20 Fed with Week 5 nutes. Did more tucking to get light to the developing branches. Picture updates below


*top view NLA 1*

*Side view NLA1*

*Top view NLA2* I think this one has a genetic issue with the white blotches it has but it hasn't hindered the growth at all.

*Side view NLA2*

*top view NLA3*

*side view NLA3*

*Top View NLA3*

*side view NLA4*

*top view NLA4*

*Wideshot in growtent* Really thankful for the PlatinumLED XML "Boost" lights as it allows natural lighting pictures to be taken with the same light.

Week 5 nutrient mix(ML per gallon) supposedly the transitional part of nutrients which was supposed to be week 4 :
Flora Micro 3 ML
Flora Gro 3 ML
Flora Bloom 3 ML
Armor Si 1 ML
Rapidstart 1 ML
Calimagic 2.5 ML
Small update. I noticed today after 4-5 days of rain outside that my bagseed experiments were budding! I was really excited as I thought they honestly would have died off from too much rain. To my surprise they were actually standing tall and strong with bud sites developed. I was also really happy that they were all girls.

After looking at them for a while I was able to understand where buds will actually develop on my plant and apply that knowledge with LST to my autoflowers to help penetrate the canopy and get more light to the bud sites. So today I spent a nice couple of hours carefully bending my plants to get more exposure. LST pictures below



I think I did it correctly, my main goal was to get more light rather than the shade that was covering from the top node before.