Dragon Meds Kaosangel's dragons. A tamer in training.

I am happy to inform you they are both girls. Yay!!!! :styles rasta smoke:
Here ya go trying to separate them a little.
As one is gimping to compensate the others foliage. A little doctoring. Lmfao.....


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I also have to say as a first time tamer these girls seem to be pretty stable on phenotypes!!!!! Or I'm just a lucky green bastard.
Just an update. They are just starting to enter full flower mod. Adding cha Ching full dose and cal mag lets see how she does.


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looking great my friend!....the DD's are my very favorite out of all the Dragons!..:High 5:...Happy Growing!...:smokebuds:
The Dragons the dragons..got to love them subbed!Hop digity:Red Dragon:
Hi Kaos
Forgot to ask or didn't see what dragons are you running? The Druin or the Durrty ? The Durrty is great! Me myself I'm really looking forward if this is a Druin! I only have 5beans left of the druin, so when time allows I will stagger them are do a strictly Druin seed run in the dr40.
Though I will only take ONE project on at a time and currently it's all about saving those Jem genetics. Would love to find a white pheno in my pack! Just to have the greatest selection I'm going to run what ever pops up out of those multi pots!
Looking forward to the next couple of months, this is when the dragons really begin to spread their wings and show their beauty!
:stylez rasta smoke:
Duurty but plan on buying all of them in the near future. I love to breathe the smoke of the dragon.
Ok I've been growing autos awhile and I'm not good with soil. But these throngs eat a lot. Or I screwed up some where. My leaves are kinda lighter then usual so I gave it an extra feeding an a little mag as I use well water. And it's seems to be getting better. I'll post a couple pics in a bit.