Yea bro my dad is in the hospital. he didnt know where he was what day it was. and he was staying at my gmas cause he cant walk well. long story short he hasnt had meds since january because she was stealing them and hes been basically sleeping all day everyday accept for 2 hours. his lymph nodes arent functioning at all. he has no eyebrows left his hair is falling out and to top it off his arms are maybe 3 inches around in width.
Lets just say i took basically custody of him and its gonna be alot of work for my family to keep him healthy.but with the help of friends and cbd extracts i think we can get him back to normal.
Or at least do the best we can to get him to a functioning level. His cognitive awareness seems to already be coming back with the high doses of lymphnode medications they gave him. so with the docs giving him the stuff he needs to survive plus me giving him the cbd and canna capsules im quite positive we can get his brain mostly repaired.
I know for a fact the cbd will help alot ive done this before as his caregiver and he made a full recovery. this time its a bit worse but i know we can get him to 80% back.
Thats not cool man, I hate hearing things like this. Im glad that he is showing signs of recovery brother. Im confident the CBD will be helping leaps and bounds for him. Ill keep him in my prayers, and here is some karma as well.:karma Cloud:
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