Hello good people,i've been using this site for a little while and it's excellent so i've decided that i'm going to start a thread for my next grow.I've done a few but always forget to start a thread,not this time! Seeing all the great advice you lot give has inspired me to share my experiences although i am a little wary about doing this as i live in a country where the law is WRONG!! I am not used to uploading pics so if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated. My next grow will be starting in about 2 weeks when my Sweet Seeds SAD Auto and Joint Doctors Easy Ryder are finished. I have done a few Sweet Seeds Autos and have found them excellent so i am going to try their Cream Mandarine Autos.....mmmmmmmm. Anyways i'm rambling here(that'll be the Green Poison!) so i'll say bye for now,thanks,Peace & Love