Live Stoner Chat Just thought i would get it out there.

welcome to AFN

Anyone can find a pic of a plant and post it saying they are growing.
I personly will not trust a few pics or info that these sites are monitered. Everyone knows or figured that. I am looking for secrets! How many violent crimes are having the charges dropped if they snitch on us they go free? We are not pushers here. These are some of the smartest and bravest people it has been my pleasure to associate with. How many cops are being bribed? Here in ky. it is said one term as sherrif and you are set for life. I know it is safer to give the sherrif a cut and grow big, than cut him out and grow small. Tell us something they do not want us to know. Not what we already know.
Welcome to AFN Reformed !!! :peace: Local law enforcement doesn't care about us here in Higher Altitude, and I doubt that the Fed's really care about personal growers, but thanks for the camera phone warning. We can always 'scrub' those files if we are on the paranoid side.
No secrets? Are yall fer us or agin us? The dim blue line or the bright green line?
Welcome reformed

As you probably have gathered we are very security conscious here but I hope in time you will be able to prove your reformed nature and gain our trust

Out of interest what made you switch from helping persecute MJ users to becoming one of us?

I think it would help if we could understand your motives
IMHO maybe we should lighten up a bit folks I think Reformeds story will come out in his posts in due time and we should hold judgment until we know him. besides that he really didn't have to say a thing about LEO plus hes a car dude he cant be all that bad :D.

I agree toke. Reformed didn't need to let us know he's former LEO. Had he not, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I had some dealings with some of the members of LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) on The Marijuana Forum. All had seen the light and were putting there efforts into the legalization/decriminalization movement. So lets not be hasty in our judgment.

IMHO maybe we should lighten up a bit folks I think Reformeds story will come out in his posts in due time and we should hold judgment until we know him. besides that he really didn't have to say a thing about LEO plus hes a car dude he cant be all that bad :D.
