New Grower JimCoffeeBeans First time Auto Grow: Blackberry Kush, Sour Hound, Auto Lemon

Wow mate that is next level shit. Awesome work, lol patting myself on the back for choosing coco after seeing those monsters in 3 gal pots. I think the different phenos are going to make everything a bit more fun.
Coco is the best for sure. That was my second Auto grow after growing photos for several years. Really though, it's all about having your environment dialed in and everything operating smooth.
That's a real shame mate. I ordered through seedsman and was able to get them in the states no problem, maybe check them out.
I just don't want to buy a new fan and let this one lay around collecting dust
Seedsman , cool I’ll check them next round . I’m gonna try some Fastbuds , they have similar strains . I understand about the fan , shit ain’t cheap! Perhaps you can put a few 90 degree bends in the ducting to slow the air flow ? That’s my last idea l can think of at the moment.
Coco is the best for sure. That was my second Auto grow after growing photos for several years. Really though, it's all about having your environment dialed in and everything operating smooth.

I think I finally have my temps and humidity in a good range, but to be honest. I still haven't committed to a nutrient schedule and it's been causing me problems since day 10. Still getting a feel for it and I just need to find that "sweet spot" I guess.

looking pretty good for a first grow :thumbsup:
abbk is my fav from DP purple pheno is just wow.
good luck.

OH don't I know it! They're even starting to turn pink on me too! Some bud/sugar leaves at the top are deep deep purple, and lower down are bright pink calyxs <3
Here's a little update on Blackberry Kush A and B. A is about a week ahead of B even though they are the same age. Love seeing them start to fatten up. And like I mentioned before, I tied down all of the side branches on both plants to get more light onto the buds, and they both look great. Super minor training just to open 'em up.
PS Just learned how to upload multiple pictures at a time, oh my god its so easy now :crying:

Top shots from A and B respectively
IMG_0738.JPG IMG_0748.JPG
A Budshots and an embarrassing look at her leaves
B Budshots, her side branches are doing great too!
IMG_0750.JPG IMG_0751.JPG IMG_0752.JPG

Leaf from A, Suspect [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]: Nitrogen toxicity and have cut back on my base nutrients to reduce N. Do you think a flush is necessary? I feel like I'd just be wasting the pk 13/14 and all the other nutrients I've been adding for the last week or two.

Leaf from B. Suspect: phosphorous deficiency. May be partly due to cutting back base nutrients, so I started only reducing Canna A

Cheers everyone, have a good night
So I received my digital timer and 1/2" tubing today, allowing me to finally put together and install an automatic drip irrigation system!!!!! Ahhh, a relief from hand watering. Idk how people do it in larger grows....

I figured out that one pump with two emitters (each with their own feed tube) fills a 1/2 gallon milk jug in 8 minutes. Like each feed tube fills a jug, the pump itself is distributing 1 gallon total

So I have it set for 4 minutes on, so in theory my 2 flowering plants will get 1/4 gallon (~950ml) each, twice a day. I did a test run, and at like 3.5 minutes I started seeing some runoff. For the smaller pots/younger plants, I have them dialed back a little bit. There are 6 hoses, so again, in theory, each emitter should be distributing 1/8 gallon (~475ml). I dialed back the adjustable emitters, so I'm not sure exactly how much water is going in yet, but its just enough to get a little bit of runoff out the bottom.

Is there a best way to divide my feedings? I currently have the light timer set for 3:00pm-9:00am (off 9am-3pm) and my water timer for 2:30-2:33pm and 2:30-2:34am. AKA just before lights on, and then 12 hours later. Should I have both feedings when lights are on? Something more like 2:30pm and 8:30pm?
Basically, does it matter what frequency the waterings occur and should they be watered only when the light is on/about to come on? Hmmmmmmm :pass:

Normally, I would ask my good friend Jim Beam, but he's been locked away this week since I have been on painkillers (fuck those pills). Gotta do what you gotta do though :dizzy:
If you're going to do a lights on lights off cycle than I would water during your lights on time. Mostly that's so if any mist or spray or anything gets up on the plants it will have a chance to dry before your lights go out. There may be some benefit to getting some extra oxygen to the roots while the plants are actively growing.

I'm curious, why only run your lights 12 hours a day? Are you trying to save money? I know sometimes people do that when the weather is real hot in their location. It does reduce your yields by about half.
Hey Jingo, thanks! Sorry if my post was confusing, but my lights are set to 18-6. I did turn them back from 20-4 a few weeks ago, and that was to conserve electricity ($). I'll keep my feedings to lights on, makes sense that my girls would prefer that. I'll be starting off with ~500ppm for the young plants, and around 750 for the older plants. May also bump it up to 3 feedings a day if I like what I see after about a week.

Edit: I believe my TDS meter is 700 scale
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So I received my digital timer and 1/2" tubing today, allowing me to finally put together and install an automatic drip irrigation system!!!!! Ahhh, a relief from hand watering. Idk how people do it in larger grows....

I figured out that one pump with two emitters (each with their own feed tube) fills a 1/2 gallon milk jug in 8 minutes. Like each feed tube fills a jug, the pump itself is distributing 1 gallon total

So I have it set for 4 minutes on, so in theory my 2 flowering plants will get 1/4 gallon (~950ml) each, twice a day. I did a test run, and at like 3.5 minutes I started seeing some runoff. For the smaller pots/younger plants, I have them dialed back a little bit. There are 6 hoses, so again, in theory, each emitter should be distributing 1/8 gallon (~475ml). I dialed back the adjustable emitters, so I'm not sure exactly how much water is going in yet, but its just enough to get a little bit of runoff out the bottom.

Is there a best way to divide my feedings? I currently have the light timer set for 3:00pm-9:00am (off 9am-3pm) and my water timer for 2:30-2:33pm and 2:30-2:34am. AKA just before lights on, and then 12 hours later. Should I have both feedings when lights are on? Something more like 2:30pm and 8:30pm?
Basically, does it matter what frequency the waterings occur and should they be watered only when the light is on/about to come on? Hmmmmmmm :pass:

Normally, I would ask my good friend Jim Beam, but he's been locked away this week since I have been on painkillers (fuck those pills). Gotta do what you gotta do though :dizzy:
I've been trying to learn about this myself, (I hand water in coco). From what I've read, 2 hours after lights on and 2 hours before lights off. Plus whatever you schedule in between. Seems like there's a lot of variance from grower to grower on this whole subject. :shrug: