what a juicy crop Jean-O, I feel almost pervy oggling all the prego' ladiez!

.... All look to be in fine fettle, some nice fat beans showing here and there too,....

Yup, Good Stuff going on in here!
This was my last round of breeding I plan on using the CS for as it was a bit hit and miss with the results. I had a big bottle I wanted to use up before I switch to STS which from my reading and talking to others on here works much better and produces much better pollen. I think ive been using the CS for about 2 years now and its worked pretty good as a cheap stepping stone I would say for learning how to breed.
This is what I hear too from several other
excellent private breeders... I may be picking some brain matter from you and GTG at some point. I have a repro' project that needs to be done, but I'm a total nov' in breeding cannabis

I have an old Mephisto photo cross they made way back when searching for potential new cultivars for auto parents. Some photo's were so good, they had to make some for-fun crosses on a branch or two. One of those is Sour Bubble/ChemD' x Alien OG; this girl is the most floral-rose smelling bud I've ever had!
Seeds are several years old now, so this has GOT to be done fairly soon... Alas, they are fem's, so selfing or crossing with sisters is likely the best way to preserve the aromatic profile, but I'm told it may be a real challenge because this is an F1 cross with pretty mixed parentage. That said, all 3 of the ones grown out (different growers) I have accounting for showed this aromatic profile, so there's a nice bit of pheno' hope!
Another possibility is crossing with Rose Especial, a few which I have seen grown out, some had rose aromatics too... figure that's a bigger gamble for outcomes, but hey WTH, can't win if you don't play!
I'm also hampered by lack of space, time and resources to grow multiples of the plants, which is going to be needed to make good odds on success I believe...It would be a real shame to see her go extinct