Outdoor Jay's UK Back Garden Outdoor 2018

Looking good man. So does yer mum tend to the girls or do you just let them go till you come round?

Watering duties only Ducks, and even that could do with bit more, but I cant complain for obvious reasons!

I tend to them, remove the dead undergrowth, add supports and give additional feeds. The ducks got two rounds of fish mix, seaweed extract and tom feed at the weekend.
Thanks mate, I just realised that stretch can go on for a while yet, so things could get a bit crazy. For some reason thought stretch was over once they started throwing out pistils. :shrug:
Tell me about it mate. My lemon og doesn't seem to be slowing down yet lol. Sketchty is this outdoor photo lark, Be touch & go time wise. Looking close to November for me......if I make it at all lol. All looks well over your way matey :greenthumb:
It had something to do with cannabis not flowering properly because of light bleed i think, read it a while ago and in fairness I'm always stoned will try and find a link it basically means you can flower photoperiods on more than twelve hours light

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Mine look standard compared those, v impressive for uk dude, think they're the finest I've seen this side of the pond.

Are they all flowering then? Some look in stretch as opposed to full bloom.

I've asked ma to check whether theres any random garden lights, and snuff them out if so. Does anyone know if street lights would prevent bloom? And i mean just that not vlads grow light of choice!
I have a street light that shines on my garden all night long never had a problem from it ever causing pre bud or no bud. Been growing underneath it for 4 years now going on 5

No, just went straight into native, next year I'm digging in some manure plus fish heads month or so before planting, plus other amends.

I figured I'd do a @Vlad The Inhaler and just harness the ground and supplement with liquid feeds. Seems to be working in the main to be fair.

I reckon next time will also top dress some hay to aid with water retention, its all a learning curve.

Best keep it 9 plants like you say, keeps us in minimum sentencing guidelines, lol!!
One thing to remember when you Gorilla Grow don't grow all your plants in the same spot spread them out a couple here a couple there give tgem a good distance apart even if it's miles apart it'll save you on sentencing laws they can't count them as yours unless you got them all in the truck at the same time you're hauling them away. Then you would be hit.

Yes indeed Elle, the joys of outdoor growing, getting to twitchy bum time alright!

I'm fairly confident the kushes and ducks will deliver, just a question mark against everything else!
Jay [emoji481]all your plants are looking really good man[emoji818][emoji573] looking awesome you going to have a good harvest.[emoji817] Too bad you couldn't have got out there and did a little more D foligen on some of them lowers and inner Bud sites that are useless you'd have a lot better Bud crop but you're going to have a good crop anyways. Good harvest for sure let me know what that duck foot comes out like it's interesting. Good luck and happy growing grow bro[emoji482][emoji109]

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