Indoor JayGeeCanuck's Bruce Banner grow


Drip rings are go. Much easier than bottle feeding lol.

On week 2 of the feeding schedule, though I'm using 0 5mls/liter of the grow (instead of 0.25mls/liter).

Ph was 6.26 without any buffering which is pretty awesome! Considering I was ph-upping using test strips last grow :nonono:

Hopefully the PH remains this easy to maintain!

Stalks are still pretty skinny.. like my last grow. They say you don't need nutes in the first week, but in all my previous grows, I fertigated from day 1 and all the seedlings were much thicker out of the gate. It didn't seem to affect the yield too much ( I got over 6oz from one of my Wedding Cake autos) , but the stalks were easily 1/2 -1/4 the thickness of my other plants on a higher dose of Advanced Nutrients. Is this genetics? The fact Im using a pretty low dose of nutes?

They otherwise are looking pretty good. Still slowly cranking the light up as well ( about 225ppfd or so now)

Still have had to support them, as they've fallen over. Not sure why, never had plants do that before ...
They're looking pretty good this morning though. On week 3 of the feed schedule. After seeing other posters say they were able to do 50% of Remos feed guide with good results, I'm going to try and increase a bit to 0.7mls/liter (instead of 0.5mls per liter). I also added Velokelp to the reservoir (as Remo recommends) instead of foliar spray.

Mixed in @5.68 ph @ these ratios , so now Im slowly adding ph-up to get it to 6.2-6.3. Also going to start 2x daily fertigation today.
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I use root riots. I've had 100% germ on every other seed, these are the only ones that have given me any trouble.
I've had -at best-50/50 success with root riots. That includes a slew of veggie seeds. My feeling is they hold too much moisture for a lot of seeds. That's just my bro science speaking

Finally some momentum lol

Ph seems to rise by 0.2 daily. Is that normal?
I'm using BlueSky Organics ph down. Seems like I have to add a tiny bit every day or 2 to keep it in range. Outdoor temps are are still luckily quite mild, so Ive been able to maintain good temps (25-26.5c) and good humidity (64-69%). Light is now a little over 21000 LUX which should be roughly 300ppfd (according to horticulture lighting groups ppfd calculator for the 3000k qb 288 v2 board)

Back one showing a bit of symptoms on a few of the leaves. Doesn't seem too bad?
Lst'ed them a couple days ago as well.
Nicely growing. Everything is looking great. What lights are you running? :pop: