Harvest & Curing Jars

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As long as they are airtight I have found that some of the cheeper ones I have found locally are not airtight
Don't waste your money. eight bucks plus shipping for one jar .Just get some wide mouth canning jars with the lids an rings and these work great and are cheap.
Hi all would these jars be ok the curing thanks

If you desire them, they will work. *But as stoney says, some of the cheaper ones aren't really airtight so they'd be pretty useless.

Don't waste your money. eight bucks plus shipping for one jar .Just get some wide mouth canning jars with the lids an rings and these work great and are cheap.
namvet his price is for 6 so not a bad price as long as there airtight
here in the states i can get a 12 pack of wide mouth 12 oz jars for $9.99 all day at multiple grocery stores. Im sure if you went to your local store and went to the section they sell the canning materials you would be able to find some...these jars, like namvet said are perfect for curing as they are intended for air tight preservatives....i've been using them for years without fail
Those jars look fine for curing. I've been considering getting some flip tops like that, I like feeling fancy some times. That and we're gonna need our mason jars come canning season.
You can get 2 oz or 60 grams in a quart/liter jar
they look air tight to me. if you can fit your yeild into it for curing, more the better. the less air space left in the air tight jar the better. my jars are similar and work great. GL