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Pretty sure he moved to BFE Central Oregon to be somewhat underground doing his own thing. I always helped him tend his veggie garden in the summer, it always reeked of skunks, and he had a fifteen foot tall fence to keep the Mule Deer out. But as a kid you don't think of any of it... until you start growing your own shit ha ha ha
Summer pic...Ma feeding the gulls:headbang:

I caught one on a plunked herring once at the mouth of the Columbia, fought better than the coho. Stater made me release it gently, wish I had a picture for everything lmao

Such a beauty of a mountain. I see a naked lady lying on her back. The bald spot are her lady lumps, and her face is to the left of that, a bit subtle. Just use your imagination! .... She's spread wide to the right, welcoming the sea.
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