Indoor JammyD/3wok/O-utan in soil

Looking great bro!
Thx my man. I’m really enjoying the simplicity of my developing grow style. Great things are possible when I utilize the LITFA principle (leave it the @#$& alone). Something I learned AFTER my first grow. Thx @WildBill
Day 63. I’m gonna take a look at the trichs in the morning. I’m pleased that they appear to be in schedule. With the exception of Jack Herer who is turning into a big girl. @pop22



Jammy Dodgers




Jack Herer Day 50’ish
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I’d give them another week and check trichomes bro. When in doubt, let them go another week
thx for the feedback. I’ve been VERY patient with them and want to finish up on point. These are the nicest flowers I’ve grown and don’t want my enthusiasm to get the better of me.
thx for the feedback. I’ve been VERY patient with them and want to finish up on point. These are the nicest flowers I’ve grown and don’t want my enthusiasm to get the better of me.
How does your jammy dodgers smel? Mine looks as if it Is Fox tailing so far but it smells insane. It has a huge citrus smell with some sort of bubblegum undertones. Best smelling buds I’ve smelled yet.. despite mine being a runt
How does your jammy dodgers smel? Mine looks as if it Is Fox tailing so far but it smells insane. It has a huge citrus smell with some sort of bubblegum undertones. Best smelling buds I’ve smelled yet.. despite mine being a runt
Funny u ask. with The Autopots, I have to keep exhaust on all the time to keep humidity down, which minimizes odor. I turned off for 30 min, and HOLY @#$&. Concur with citrus smell.