Indoor Jackson Is Back!

@Jackson here's a look at my medium and roots you can tell how I root trench from roots being exposed
Then I will use 4 grams of MegaCrop and 1/4 teaspoon of Bud Explosion @Dabber @Mizzo81 @MR magoo thank you all for your help and patience as I never had a problem like this using other nutrients not saying MegaCrop is bad just not used to it’s dosage
I don’t think nutrients is the problem just under watering.
@Mizzo81 i never fed a soil grown plant twice a day. They would drown
I grew in soil my first few grows and remember once they hit like 4 they were chugging twice a day. I had two moby dick xxl that we’re taking a gallon twice a day. They were in 5 gal though. And I believe @Dabber is in soil also.
@Jackson here's a good read