Indoor Jackson Is Back!

Good Morning All-
Today is Day 44 and the girls are doing good.
Wednesday they were all given 4 grams of MegaCrop and Bud Explosion and they are starting to show it! In the order of close up and whole plant: Crystal Meth, Girl Scout Cookies and Fastberry.
What do you all think and should I continue with the same feeding 4 grams of MegaCrop and Bud?

@Dabber @MR magoo @Mizzo81 @ eyes on fire @Waira


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Good Morning All-
Today is Day 48 and the 3 autos are doing well. Pics in this order: Crystal Meth, Fastberry and Girl Scout Cookies ( lots of Bud sites but they are small) this game plant will take awhile before harvest I think!

please let me know what y’all think.

jackson @Dabber @Mizzo81 @MR magoo @Eyes on Fire @Waira


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J :joy: damn good growing! for a kid.:biggrin::bighug:
Good Morning All-
Today is Day 53 and they are fattening up!
They were all given 4 grams of MegaCrop and 1/4 teaspoon of Bud Explosion. What do you all think? In this order close up and full plant: Crystal Meth, Fastberry, Girl Scout Cookies and photo Jesus.

@Dabber @Mizzo81 @MR magoo @Waira @Eyes on Fire @blue


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J :toke: looking good except for yellow leaves. something is missing? don't know what? more cal/mag? maybe? I use cal/mag from beginning to end
@ 5 ml. per gallon. I also use sea salt. in Very small amounts 1/2 ml. per gallon it has over 100 trace elements and minerals. and sugar beet molasses . a complex vegetable. as apposed to sugar cane molasses that is a basic tuber. not as many minerals and trace element as from sugsr beets. my 2 centavos.
day 58 not a blemish. except the one leaf I spilled nutes. on.
@MR magoo i was told that I shouldn’t need cal/mag when using newest version of MegaCrop. I fed them today as I mentioned and maybe I need to feed Wednesday instead of water only
yes at close to the end of the life of plant the leaves will turn, BUT not when feeding nutes. they will keep plant green. almost to the end.
then, the last week or two switch to just water, (this is NOT a FLush) it causes the plant to suck everything out of the leaves. for finish.
this is my method is it the best method ?? I don't know? but when I get autos 54 inch's tall I am satisfied. Dinafem auto Gorilla, gave me over a half pound of her dry buds.