Indoor It's my first time, be gentle


Gold Digger
Dec 9, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, this is my first auto grow and hopefully my first ever successful grow!! I have two Northern Lights Feminized autos and one Sour Diesel feminized auto. They are 18 days old and stinky.

They haven't had the best start due to irregular heat and humidity. The crazy weather we have had this month has been a challenge, but Spring is on the horizon and hopefully the weather will even out.

MY set up is: 2x2 tent with carbon filter, humidifier, and 400 watt HPS. They are on 20/4 lighting schedule and I'm feeding them General Organics BioThrive grow at 1tsp per gallon( half of the recommended light feeding) with PH adjusted (6.5) tap water. They are in 3 gallon smart pots planted in FF Happy Frog straight out of the bag. I've tried to keep them between 75-80 degrees °F and humidity at 45-50%.

They seem small and compact but they aren't lowryders. Is this OK? Any help and advice is greatly appreciated.

Pics coming as soon as I figure out how :doh:
I will post pictures I promise!! I've been experiencing some technical difficulties :doh: My husband promises to sort it out for me this weekend.

I gave them their second feeding this morning so I expect some significant growth. I think I may have been too cautious and they needed a good watering and feeding. With all the hovering and overthinking I'm doing I feel like a new mother again. LOL! All my real babies survived so maybe these will too.:)
Here they are at 20 days. They really responded to the feeding yesterday and have started growing like weeds and are starting to show their sex :d5: My only concern is that they are very compact. Should I raise the light?
Plant A

Plant B

Plant C

So what do y all think? Any suggestions? Do they look right?
Hello - After looking closely at your pics I noticed a few things straight away. Your plants all have 5-6 nodes of growth, which is appropriate for their age - and they all seem to be photo-active (always good to see). The only thing that's visible to me as a diagnostic tool is your leaf cupping/curling. Tis always a sign of high heat/temps. You mention the weather being shit lately, did you have a few high temp days ? Either that or your light is too low ? It should be set at 18 - 24 inches. I cooked a few plants during the summer and since then I use silica when I can and keep a closer eye on my humidity levels and temps. They should start going more noticeably vertical around day 25 to day 35-40. Give or take a few days on either end... lol.
Regardless, one things for sure, you're in the right place ! There's so many awesome growers on here. Best wishes and Happy Growing.
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Yes, the weather has been crazy. This month has been alternating between freezing with a foot of snow one week, and warm and wet the next. For some reason that plant isn't tolerating the changes well. I kept a close eye on her and even her new growth under well maintained conditions still curl. Maybe she is just a drama queen?

My goal has been to keep them between 75-80 with humidity at40+. Seems like I should aim for lower temps with her. I will try for 77 as the max? Thank you for your help :)
Ok, so between yesterday and today they have put on some height. It's really remarkable how fast they have grown in 24 hours. After looking around on here I am really concerned about how big these are going to get. Peter Pan has a Northern Lights that is the size of a short obese person! I'm not sure what to do if these end up being the size of his. I'm hoping someone is going to tell me that won't be the case with these since I can't bring myself to kill off one or two. Sophie's choice comes to mind :frowny:

So anyone out there with experienced with these two strains please let me know. :thanks:
The ambient temperature is less important than the actual temp of the leaf itself as the light hits it. The curling up of the sides of the leaves is one of two things.

1. The light is too close and the radiant heat is raising the surface temperature on the plant matter above 85 degrees or so.

2. Wind burn, meaning that you have a fan blowing directly at the plant. Both of these things can start to dry out the leaves and cause them to "cup" like that.

We can't see the plant color because of the light.. You should post a few pics using just the flash on your camera as lighting so we can see the color and the leaves.

From what I see, they look good other than the heat/wind issue. I would say to raise your light up another 6-8 inches, and if you have a fan running, face it at the wall and turn it down a notch.