Mephisto Genetics It's all going sour in here!

Jul 31, 2016
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It's all going sour in here!​

Hi, i am a new grower introduction here
And currently also starting this friendly grow battle

Well to try and get a mephisto badge and share my journey thought I would start a thread for all the sour named seeds I have and plan to get from mephisto, would be great if you came along, all advice welcome,to start I have a sour hound and sour bubblin crack soaking in water ready to go in 10litre air pots.

Grow space 120:60:80 Tent
Light 300 generic led with a 450 on its way
Feed,soil etc ,biobizz lightmix biobizz fish and bloom, Epsom salts and bonemeal for any cal\mag issues i have some bottled calmag ready if that doesn't work but wanting to keep it as simple as possible,airpump for oxygenating water feeds

Will update when something to show,thanks
Day 7 for the sour hound and day six bubblincrack lost the first one as in lost it so popped in another with out a soak came up but not as vibrant as one with soak,both had first feed fish mix,smaller plant the bubbling,and just dropped a mystery sour
I've grown both of these-monster buds! The Sour Hound is interesting-the Chemdoggin just comes through lightly, so you get Sour Crack on the inhale, and Chemdoggin on the exhale. Nice and sweet, and then a light lighter fluid exhale. It's kind of cool! This should be a fun thread.
I'm pulling up a chair I have some sour bubbly I'm running next grow can't wait to try these to I see your going organic:yay: I am doing my first organic grow I have bone meal also I also have epsom and bottled Cal mag really don't want to use the bottle I have saved egg shells for last 2 months I can't find anywhere if these will work if used right then or if they need time to break down in soil needing to be added to mix from the start I washed them out dried them they are being stored figured I'd crush them as needed you have any idea on the egg shells?We don't eat a lot of eggs but I think we eat enough to fuel my soil each grow if I find out amount some say 1 crushed shell per gallon some say two that's something else I need to nail on the head anyways thought I'd say what I'm trying to use for Cal and that epsom has a lot of salt I think the bone meal does to good luck they are looking great my mephisto seedlings are so funny first two weeks they were all top heavy they looked like a bunch of drunks lol
All the best with them! We'll be watching :D

Nice one, going nice and easy on first two,, mystery sour is time to play with soils and pot size

just realzied i never got to checking your thread out. I'm pulling for you

Hi thanks miss,

I've grown both of these-monster buds! The Sour Hound is interesting-the Chemdoggin just comes through lightly, so you get Sour Crack on the inhale, and Chemdoggin on the exhale. Nice and sweet, and then a light lighter fluid exhale. It's kind of cool! This should be a fun thread.
thanks for input pal, feel free to post what ever you want make it fun

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Welcome to AFN! Your ladies look like they are off to a great start! I have my first Mephistos going as well, can't wait to burn some. Subbed in for your first grow. :vibe::smokeit::vibe:
Thanks for looking in , yea pleased with start my grape crinkle has started even better but early days

Good luck Hayumad? I'm subbed up.

Thanks for looking in margahooja ,

I'm pulling up a chair I have some sour bubbly I'm running next grow can't wait to try these to I see your going organic:yay: I am doing my first organic grow I have bone meal also I also have epsom and bottled Cal mag really don't want to use the bottle I have saved egg shells for last 2 months I can't find anywhere if these will work if used right then or if they need time to break down in soil needing to be added to mix from the start I washed them out dried them they are being stored figured I'd crush them as needed you have any idea on the egg shells?We don't eat a lot of eggs but I think we eat enough to fuel my soil each grow if I find out amount some say 1 crushed shell per gallon some say two that's something else I need to nail on the head anyways thought I'd say what I'm trying to use for Cal and that epsom has a lot of salt I think the bone meal does to good luck they are looking great my mephisto seedlings are so funny first two weeks they were all top heavy they looked like a bunch of drunks lol

Hi and well that's a lot to think about,lol, OK this grow is based on an easy feeding schedule by a grower called hazy I came across him by looking for a biobizz feeding schedule as i believe mephisto seeds like that and a biobizz light soil, now bone meal,oyster shell flour ,lobster,shrimp,fish bone shell come from a thread by rhyce saronis and very interesting read it is, now I am, after reading a lot of threads expecting calmag issues ,as I have leds, perhaps,? and yes i am ready but honestly ain't a clue what ille do when the time comes,, I just following a paint by numbers plan I came up with based on sound thinking lol, my new girl if she comes up is in halfboibizzcoco mix going to get fed seaweed and tortured relentlesy I want to try and go organic but I ain't going to lose sleep giving it the plant magic stuff if it makes the difference,next up next week is in two litre pop bottle,I think we get enough free seeds lets experiment lol

Hay thanks every one for stopping by