Holes in my leaves ? , but looks/seems healthy otherwise, HELP

I had a similar hole issue on my first grow, and I found a small green caterpillar, and that little bugger was a handful to catch, he kept rappelling down til I lost him, took a couple days to finally evicted his little butt. I put him outside, didnt have the heart to kill him since I admired his taste in fine foliage.
Yes , Im still looking/watching out, but hoping/assuming I got it , either the roach bug or maybe if caterpillar hoping it was on one of the leaves I took off ,oh please ,please 🤞
everything is looking great right now.
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No signs of any new holes, or bugs, so Im assuming I may have got it, and not sure what kind of bug, im just saying it looks like a roach (???)
OR there was a caterpillar on one of the leaves I removed ?? No matter , seems I got it.:thumbsup:
And it took well to the de-fol .


Hello folks, So I decided to wait until darkness and check it out good and did a kind of heavy de-foliation , I guess hoping to get the leaf(s) carrying any critter(s) on it (probably silly) and when I got done, looking her over again, I found a bug on a leaf, not real sure but looks like a basic cockroach(?) huh. Not sure this was my nemesis or not but glad I did what I did, just hope she can handle it and dont hermie on me with all the stress I put on it being there was talk of hermie/males with this strain, but still glad I did it , hope for the best, Having Fun !!
also thanks for all/any of the help/advice !!

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picture makes it look huge, no it was pretty small, about half size of my pinky fingernail.
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Looks like an Oriental cockroach. They'll feed on decaying organic material in and around the pot. Uncommon for them to eat live leaves but possible. But if it's what I think it is, they can turn into a major problem around the house and you might want to use some legit pesticides around that grow area and hope it didn't lay eggs
Im in Florida , bugs everywhere, especially when HOT like now, they like to seek indoors, I keep up with it !!
Never heard of Oriental , but Asian cockroach yes , NOT Asian one !!
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I think you are overly concerned. A few small holes in just a few leaves, with no evidence of infestation is insignificant. The total biomass lost looks to be way less than a single leaf! If this still concerns you or the problem recurs, consider using Neem or similar longer-term protective products or use a surfactant/soap-based, pyrethrin or other faster-acting non-persistent pesticide.
NO not overly concerned anymore, just wanted to correct it asap, pretty sure(hope) I did .
Thank You Folks !!!
For what it’s worth…. I like to keep a Spinosad product on hand (Captain Jack’s Dead Bug, or Monterey Garden Spray with spinosad) for any bug problems. It’s non toxic to humans and pets, organic, and has a fairly short half life…. And it’s useful for a variety of pests. Just my two cents :pass: