New growth looks good to me...
Yeah but Im starting to see the same thing on 2 other plants....... I am going to try flushing and measure the runoff for PH and PPMs.....

I guess Im getting the noobey crash course in cannabis growing [emoji30]
I only flushed it once with 5gal of tap water (160ppm) PH to 5.5 with 25ml of cal/mag plus for a total of 339 ppm.

The runoff measured 5.8 PH & 535 ppm.

So I went and measured my res ppms and it was sitting at 560.

Could it be that Im not adding enough nutes??? And thats why a few greedy plants are deficient???

I have them getting 1/4 gal once a day and 12/11/15 marks the end of week two.

Medium: Coco/perilite
More photos....... Im gonna flush and and increase the ppms to the recomended levels.......

Question: Why are some leaves curling up and down with temps ranging from 74 - 77F ??
This is way out of my range of experience as i have never had problems like these but i would highly suggest posting this in the Infirmary or Live Help sections of the forums in order to get more frequent and knowledgeable help from the real pros.

Good luck bud!
This is way out of my range of experience as i have never had problems like these but i would highly suggest posting this in the Infirmary or Live Help sections of the forums in order to get more frequent and knowledgeable help from the real pros.

Good luck bud!
Excellent advice....... I didn't know there was a Infirmary/Live Help section. ....

Thanks!!!! I will post a link immediately!!!
After the flush, partial res clean, and Increase in nutes for wk 3


They are growing fast...... I still see spots here and there.......but overall they appear to be doing better.
they do look better, did you get any feedback on the live chat? what did the pro's think it was?
Unfortunately I didn't get any useful feedback but I hit google and youtube pretty hard and read some fourum threads.......which led me to check my PH & PPM meters and they were both out of calibration....... so I calibrated them..... Hopefully it was just a PH problem...... I also was PHing my res to 5.5 frequently not letting it drift much. After reading I found this to be bad as different nutrients absorbs at different ph levels..... Still learning and so far lots of fun..