Outdoor Irish Guerilla supersoil grow Think different and RQS auto northern lights

Mar 29, 2015
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Hi everybody
I will start by saying this site is great and I have learned 90% of what I now know about growing ganja from here! I successfully grew 2 super stinky haze in a small plastic green house with lots of lst on the roof of my parents house in super soil getting over 100g of each plant. It was a huge pot I will now try to guerrilla grow 20 TD and 10 NL. I am at 54 latitude I have mixed a big batch of supersoil it is now sitting in the spot cooking I have the 10 nl under a 150cfl upstairs , they are just popping through the soil! and my TD seeds will arrive on thurs. I have great confidence in my spot though an old closed down quarry yard through an (irish) jungly looking forest which is on the land of this closed down business. this is in the countryside with very little houses about. this was going to be the spot but it is now the mixing and cooking spot for the soil if you continue on through 2 famers fields you can get to waste land on cliff like slope at the back of the quarry which has a couple of 50m squared area of thorn bushes these will now be the spots !! I will burrow through them and if possible dig holes if not 20l plots it will be !! I plan to chicken wire cage the plants from rabbits and such (although I saw I fox at what looked like its den so hopefully not so many rabbits there) an then because im putting my plant out here in late april may I will wrap the cage in shrink wrap and poke some holes, do you think this will work??? any advice appreciated ! please ask questions and I will get any pics I can up

ohh this business has been closed for at leas 10 years

This is my soil recipe, I just read lots of recipes here and kinda freestyled my own one lol

200lpeat moss
200l topsoildr
100l perlite
100l worm casting
100l coco mix
6l plagron guano
15l seaweed meal
30l of alphalfa (grass looking type but pure)
2.5 kg rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi
5g of lime for every litre

that's it so far I still need to add Epsom salts how much? I have about 700-750 l of soil, also my friends are in u..sa so I have ordered 3kg of Peruvian seabird guano for them too bring home lol anything else I shud add which is available in uk. I was trying to stay away from animal product but was thinking of fis blood and bone.

one more thing my plants are started in a mix of worm castins . perlite , peat moss and coco. they will stay inside under cfl for 30days do I need to feed them and what? some type of tea?? or top dress. I Know autos dont like to be transplanted but its my only option i have started the NL seeds n 2l coke bottles(is this to small for 30days ?) as I had little space, but now have more space upstairs , what pots shall I get for the 20 TD seeds still need to be pretty small pots , and best way transplant
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It all sound great. As fer tranplanting i suggest ya cut the bottom off yer starter pot an plant in pot in yer hole ..less stress that way.
Id throw a good hand full of epson salts and lime fer each hole.
ok thanks for the advice on just cutting the bottom off! do you think this affects yield much than starting in final pots or going straight into the ground, not an option for me but just curious!! has anybody tried wrapping chicken wire bunny cages in shrink wrap and cutting some hole for ventilation. Because these will be going out start of may a month early I think. and as for my soil, once I add the 3kg (6.6lb) of Peruvian seabird guano do yous think I can just water maybe some molasses or will I need to make tea. and I cant remember what day the girls will start giving off a little smell as this will e a problem , they will be goiong outside as soon as they smell. all opinion are appreciated!! I will get pics of the 10 baby NL tonight
If done carefully it will negate any root shock.
ive done that sort of greenhousr setup and it worked well .but cost in stealth
Thanks for the help !! a couple more questions I have ! should I put stones at the bottom of the starter pot for drainage and should I be putting stones at the bottom of the holes I dig ? how big should the holes be for the TD,s? pots or bags in the ground or straight in.
Unless the area you are planting in is known to be wet and boggy, I don't think stones are required. On the other hand, if the area is well drained, the stones may hinder the retention of water. So, for me, I would leave them out. But, it depends on the location.

ok 1 spot is on a hill side so quite dry and the other spot is I quite a boggy little mini forest !! so no stones on the drier hill but In the other spot I should use stones! is wet r boggy areas ok for growing. and stones or no stones in the starter pot im thinkin about when I cut the bottom of to transplant not upsetting the roots
thanks alot
The wet/boggy locations are great to grow in brotha. No stones needed. I'd just place more coco or peat at the very bottom to wick up the moisture.

I grow in a marsh and the water levels fluctuate up to 8 inches so I keep the the top of my soil mix atleast 12 off the ground. Last year I cut holes in the bottom of large pots (10 gallon) and placed a 1/3 in the ground.

This year I'm driving wood stakes in the ground and lining them with landscape fabric with open bottoms. Once the tap root hits the wet soil you're golden.
