Live Stoners Irish growers??

Any Irish growers out there?? Wanted to say hello to everyone but especially any Irish growers in here. :smoking: :cheers::growing:

me an irish cherokee, duz that count-? :coffee: oh, almost forgot, me don't live in ireland either, so...:smoking: anyhoo, heya @The Stoned Paddy and :welcome: to afn! :toke: great commune here & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

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:welcome: Hi @The Stoned Paddy and welcome to AFN! :welcome:

I'm one of those mericans, but my decendants were English, Irish and Scottish. :pass:
me an irish cherokee, duz that count-? :coffee: oh, almost forgot, me don't live in ireland either, so...:smoking: anyhoo, heya @The Stoned Paddy and :welcome: to afn! :toke: great commune here & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

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Thanks for that. I have learned so much already. First time grower outdoor or anywhere so just wanted to bitch about the weather :shrug:
Thanks for that. I have learned so much already. First time grower outdoor or anywhere so just wanted to bitch about the weather :shrug:

ok, u bitch about the weather, i'll bitch about the bugz & we'll pretty much have it covered ;) :rofl: ppp
Well there has been no decent sun here in the last 2 weeks and i could really do with some to finish off my 5 Dinafem WW XXL :headbang: Oh and i got leaf miners to manage!! Your turn :pass:
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Well there has been no decent sun here in the last 2 weeks and i could really do with some to finish off my 5 Dinafem WW XXL :headbang: Oh and i got leaf miners to manage!! Your turn :pass:

we've had decent enuff weather here, but my prob has been stunted plantz, from pesky lil micro grasshopperz munchin on their leavez when they're only 2-3d old, argh :cuss: had to pull one jus las nite at 11d, cuz it jus wazn't gonna grow :shrug: i'm formulatin a plan to build a lil screened in enclozure, but still need to get a couple thingz to make it happen...i.e. it'z all "on the list" :rofl: :doh: ppp