Looking awesome Insert...:smokebuds:
Wow, cant believe I am this late to the party. Looking nice insert!
Looking very nice Insert:group:
I hope iPads are waterproof I just dribbled all over the screen :jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw:
damn Insert your killin it, tits my man simply tits, a bigheading your way.
Lookin very very lovely over there.
Beautiful Insert, picture perfect plants
Nicely doing!
Insert did you see Tony's "Hint" on Hazy's thread ?/..........
Tony Quote; "beautiful growing Hazy, I love the bud production on our new un-named (cough) indica dominant." three pages from end of thread Insert !!..................Could it be an "Auto Strawberry Cough" ??...........an addition to the DP Berry Auto line ?/..........................would be nice if it where...............Different Strawberry's heh !!.............cant wait to find out the cross.......................Mr. T say's all three new auto's with Hazy, INH and SB are all the same strain............AB............nice growing Insert, you have surely maximized the potential for this strain already, with this grow you are doing bro....................well done INH.............she will deliver copiously for you for sure Insert......AB...................
Looking awesome Insert...:smokebuds:
:jaw::jaw: This will the hell of a harvest and trimming![]()
:five: max![]()
Both Ladies are consuming lots of water, between 3-4 liters per day
Insert all i can say is you are the man.....:five:.......it's almost criminal that we get the benefits from all your skills like this i know that experience is the best teacher but i sure all new grower will agree that you saved us from lots of headache and gave us the tools to be successful....
looking at your plants insert and how dark green their leaves are (they almost look waxy) I would say your plants are close to max ec with your nutrients so id be carefull how you administer their pk boost
just an outside observation pal and something to think about in the coming weeks