Harvest & Curing Information on herbsNOW cannabis dryer.

Hmm, well. Nice of them to protect their client like that but.... if the guy isn't selling any or buying any from them, you would think they would be open to selling outright. Obviously if you're only buying one or two for personal use thats a bit different from trying to order 5000 to open a competing business. Ah, keep us updated!
I heard your question read on a podcast this week lol I think The Dude Grows but they didn't really answer it.
Hmm, well. Nice of them to protect their client like that but.... if the guy isn't selling any or buying any from them, you would think they would be open to selling outright. Obviously if you're only buying one or two for personal use thats a bit different from trying to order 5000 to open a competing business. Ah, keep us updated!
I just thought I would drop you a line and let you know that I have a source for the herbs dryer. If you or anyone else is interested. I ordered two of them yesterday. I suggested to the company that they should put their product on the Alibaba. com product page. They liked the idea and sent me the link to the page. I bought mine through Alibaba Trade Assurance and paid with my PayPal account. I think you will be interested in what you see. Here is the link https://www.alibaba.com/product-det...19.html?spm=a2700.12243863.0.0.2ce83e5fwWfTuJ
I just thought I would drop you a line and let you know that I have a source for the herbs dryer. If you or anyone else is interested. I ordered two of them yesterday. I suggested to the company that they should put their product on the Alibaba. com product page. They liked the idea and sent me the link to the page. I bought mine through Alibaba Trade Assurance and paid with my PayPal account. I think you will be interested in what you see. Here is the link https://www.alibaba.com/product-det...19.html?spm=a2700.12243863.0.0.2ce83e5fwWfTuJ
How did you order just two and what did you pay?
How did you order just two and what did you pay?
I ordered two as samples and p[aid $23.00 per sample. The shipping is the killer. I opted to have it shipped Alibaba Express. That costs me $225.00. If I had opted to ship by sea, the costs was $115.00, But 2 to 3 months wait. I ended up having $135.00 per unit. I suggested to my contact that her company put the dryer on the Alibaba Product page and make it available that way. I found the unit in the Alibaba Suppliers section of the site, which is the manufacturing end. You can buy one unit, that is why they listed it there. They have some inventory of these units and are looking to sell them. The $135.00 per unit I paid is steep because of shipping. Considering that I could not get it here, I bought direct.
I did not answer your question. If you wanted to buy from the Alibaba Site where the dryer is listed, scroll down to bottom of the page where it says send message to supplier. Her name is Joyce Hua. You simply send her message telling her you are interested in buying a unit as a sample. She will respond to you. I had her place my order through Alibaba Trade Assurance, that gives you some protection that you will receive your order. Once the order is placed with Alibaba and everything is to your liking, you pay for the order. I paid for my order using my PayPal account. No problems.