Grow Mediums Indi's Dwc Autoultimate Romance

Woah man ;) Thanks Derek for your kind words. Yeah hopefully it comes out soon bro better to wait and be patient.. yeah I think il take the ladies under the bathroom lights now for pics. Led house lights are installed in there probly not good for growing haha but great for pictures with the bright white can't hide anything light. ;)
Woah man ;) Thanks Derek for your kind words. Yeah hopefully it comes out soon bro better to wait and be patient.. yeah I think il take the ladies under the bathroom lights now for pics. Led house lights are installed in there probly not good for growing haha but great for pictures with the bright white can't hide anything light. ;)

I am a little drunk!!!! I see what I got to do to talk to my friends across the pond, stay up late and get hammered hahahahhah
I don't drink these days, but I smoke like nothing eles. :D
Bout time you dropped in to say hi @Bum ;) Great to have u aboard mate ,Il do my best not to disappoint ;) I probably look after my girls more than i look after myself bro i'm like Tarzan in need of a razor pmsfl
Updating shortly guys! I have a bit of a shocker to tell...As some of you guys know i recently run into some issues,Well.. haha mistakes on my behalf :help: , I put Ph down solution in my silica bottle with huge consequences and kinda screwed things up a little :shrug:,But the really really good news is the Au's were not in anyway effected :thumbsup:.
I will update it all shortly now i have the time too and I'm not fixing res's lol thanks guys ;)