Ok it's late in the evening on day 21 for this lady... She is a lady..
Here's a pic or two..
I think I've maybe been running her res a touch strong.. 1.5EC.. I dunno tell me your opinions..
I did notice a tiny bit of nute burn on the tip of one of her leaves this weekend.. So I watered her down a bit to 1.4EC (thanks JM) but it seems to have risen & settled @ 1.5EC again.
When I was committing plant murder last night I noticed that the opposite leaves were looking a little strange at the tips...
Now I'm not sure if its nute burn.. Hunger.. Or maybe it's something to do with the Epsom foliar spray I gave her on Sunday evening..
You can see in the pics the residue from the Epsom...
Anyway here some pics I took this morn before work.. 4hrs before lights out..
By the way there is a touch of cal/mg def showing.. But it's not that I'm talking about... I know what cal/mg looks like.. It's in pic 2 & 3 that I'm not sure what that is... At the leaf tips... It looks different to the nute burn on the opposite leaf...
Below Cal/mg def... But I'm pretty sure that's from the under feeding she was getting last week..
In this pic you can see the nute burn I'm talking about on the left hand leaf.. I'm not to worried about this... More worried about what's happening on the opposite side
The browning of the roots is just from the Micro part of the feed...
Tell me what you's think..
Laters homies..