New Grower ILGM Auto Jack Herer

Death The Cultivator

Pondering the Mysteries of High Pressure Aeroponic
Cultivators Club
Feb 14, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
La Buena Hierba Panama Haze
The setup:

600w MH/HPS tube cooled light
6" 240cm inline fan
6" carbon filter
Digital ballast
Water bubbler
Coco coir pre fertilized for seeds
4x4x7.5 tent

The seeds are from ILGM and the title says the rest. I have the seeds currently germinating in coco in Dixie cups in the tent at 79-81f with 22-25 RH. I'll be using General Hydro nutes and molasses. I have already pre mixed nutes for the first week feeding schedule and being bubbled in advanced with 5.6 ph in another gallon picture being bubbled. I plan to do the tiered method followed by LST and SCrog. Goal is 10oz.

Will add pictures when they sprout.
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Hey Brother

I hope things work out better for you this time. Remember the best way to deal with fungus gnats is to put a barrier over the top of your soil. I see you're going to grow in Coco, so I usually put clay Pebbles over the top of my Coco usually an inch or two I prefer about 2 in. It will give more oxygen to the roots every time you water and help box and that's from getting down in there and starting some larvae growing in your medium.

If you want to get some mosquito bits and have those on board before you start that would be the main treatment for the gnats.
I've heard some guys actually mix that stuff into their growing medium before they start I've never done that, but I have water through a lot of mosquito bits without any issues.
Hey Brother

I hope things work out better for you this time. Remember the best way to deal with fungus gnats is to put a barrier over the top of your soil. I see you're going to grow in Coco, so I usually put clay Pebbles over the top of my Coco usually an inch or two I prefer about 2 in. It will give more oxygen to the roots every time you water and help box and that's from getting down in there and starting some larvae growing in your medium.

If you want to get some mosquito bits and have those on board before you start that would be the main treatment for the gnats.
I've heard some guys actually mix that stuff into their growing medium before they start I've never done that, but I have water through a lot of mosquito bits without any issues.

Much appreciated on the tip. I'm going to look into the pebbles. I just keep learning here I love it.

  1. Day 1 - 4/5 Germination in Coco coir

    It is officially day one for Jack Herer and four out of five have germinated with one remaining closed with no sign of a tap root anywhere.
    • RH has been 16-24%
    • Temps of 77-86f(briefly the heat in the house turned on)
    • Water PH for my nutes and regular water with no tweaks has been roughly a 6.2

    + Quote Reply
You have exactly the same humidity that I have right now, I really hate it that low for young plants. It's just the time of year in my area and I'm tired of using my old fashioned humidifier I've got to pick up a nice ultrasonic one someday.
Day 2 - Leaves Forming

Leaves are coming from two of the seeds while one has established its roots and stem and another still on a root. Fifth seed has yet to show anything.

  • 16-39% RH
  • 72-84f

good luck n keep er lit.
Thanks I appreciate it.

Day 3 Part 2

Two of them in their infancy :) Found that vinegar only maintains the PH for around three days with my regular water back at a 7.5. Cap of vinegar will set it straight again.

Well thankfully, due to my wife's complaining, I moved the tent to a admittedly better spot near a broken window with a lot of air flow that dropped my tent heat from 82 to 77 @50% power on the 600w light.

Moved the plants under the light a bit more, adjusted my water with a cap of vinegar, turned the ballast to 75%, set my timer up and yeah. Waiting for one seed to germinate, one seed to lift up(I see the root but it's thin so I've buried it a bit and moistened it), and another seed to show it's leaves.