Northern Grower
Amazing pictures "drools"
I cant get enough of that purple color in those buds,just gorgeous!
Thanks mate.. I keep giving myself "eye aches" from staying in the space too long, staring at them. Sunglasses block the view too much.. haha.
That ALF is a looker for sure, but the red ICU takes the cake. I'll grab some new pics of it when i have her out next. The red lower buds have started to swell, so you can see them better now.
I think i will name it red russian, if i can ever get it to IBL. Red ryder just wasn't rite.. It's far from ryder!
ohhhhh... dude!
I bet you are watching the mailbox like a hawk... hahaha
Thanks man.. They are some lookers this round.
Well i am honored my friendThe BX i made from her germed like rock stars so im interested to see whats their going to be.
Its always amazing how they change as they mature, everything looks alike and then one day bam something is different. Colors, smells, and shape.
Remember the Jems i was showing/telling you about
Things are really starting to look different
I will have the duplex pheno out soon here for her flushing. i swear they love it, fans get offly ugly but the bud swell going on right now is really nice.. I was hoping for the qp range.. but i hate to say it... but i might approach a hp.. Maybe when i get my new PH pen in the mail, and re run em, i'll do a p? lol Ookin Ell mate..Big momas.
Post the jems in their home thread i'll come stop in.. Or mail me

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