Indoor ICU#2 And ALF#3

Amazing pictures "drools" :)
I cant get enough of that purple color in those buds,just gorgeous!

Thanks mate.. I keep giving myself "eye aches" from staying in the space too long, staring at them. Sunglasses block the view too much.. haha.

That ALF is a looker for sure, but the red ICU takes the cake. I'll grab some new pics of it when i have her out next. The red lower buds have started to swell, so you can see them better now.

I think i will name it red russian, if i can ever get it to IBL. Red ryder just wasn't rite.. It's far from ryder!

ohhhhh... dude!


I bet you are watching the mailbox like a hawk... hahaha

Thanks man.. They are some lookers this round.

Well i am honored my friend:bow: The BX i made from her germed like rock stars so im interested to see whats their going to be.

Its always amazing how they change as they mature, everything looks alike and then one day bam something is different. Colors, smells, and shape.

Remember the Jems i was showing/telling you about
Things are really starting to look different

I will have the duplex pheno out soon here for her flushing. i swear they love it, fans get offly ugly but the bud swell going on right now is really nice.. I was hoping for the qp range.. but i hate to say it... but i might approach a hp.. Maybe when i get my new PH pen in the mail, and re run em, i'll do a p? lol Ookin Ell mate..Big momas.

Post the jems in their home thread i'll come stop in.. Or mail me :D i love photo updates.
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Yup...covering the broadest Afghan genetic base I DC could pick out her own strengthen.

Then...I have cubed them inside the crosses...
so some have DC X ALF X DC...
some have DC X ALF X ALF..
and some have DC X ALF....X DC X ALF..full double cross.

That is where the Splicing and DICING comes in.

You pollenating the original are Marrying them...
then you sort of Chop them...Dicing..

slightly alter the genetic cross in the original cross by adding bits back in that are not genetically the same %..
and then see what gives you the Best cross out of the

I wanted to bring this back up... Could help to bring out reccesives into dominance.. Also would help if you lost the genetics that started the cross.

Don't give away too many tricks wiz! :D We need to keep you on top. lol
I bet you are watching the mailbox like a hawk... hahaha
lol... you shouldn't tease a man under

Don't give away too many tricks wiz!
We need to keep you on top. lol
I was thinkin this too... though they are VER MUCH appreciated! lol
Well this page is getting a bit boring.. So i thought i would hit it with a cannon!:howdy:
They are around 7 days from chop, the fast ones anyways. That's why they are so yellow, encase anyone is wondering.

ICU#2... Red pheno.. AKA Red Russian. She is hiding her goods, so hard to get a shot of the color.



ICU #2 - Bud Bomb

ICU#2 - Duplex Pheno. Check the stalk out on her FD!!! Amended or what? lol



ICU #2




And, the best for last.
ALF#3 - Small pheno, didn't seed it, it's like 6 inches tall. But what a show!! :D





She is a twin isnt she. They look fantastic man. Seems the treatment did them right. Reminds me of one that has been cremated properly :twist:


And i get these little guys too. Ever one of the plants puts them on down there. Also i see that thick ass stem that you were talking about :clap:
They look fantastic man. Seems the treatment did them right. Reminds me of one that has been cremated properly

Thanks man! It is a pheno to watch out for IMO... She will yield the most, but it sn't the tallest nor the largest bud set. The buds are just really solid. You just had one and i just got one, so maybe it's a fairly dom pheno in the mix.
I was getting coke cans from Snowryder, now i am getting beer bottles from these. I am more impressed with yield on these that i was even of the mi5's, plus these smell 50x's better.

Dude the smell of my house right now is ridiculous.. The mechanical room is connected through bulkheads to the grow "area".. Holly crap, do i need to plug some holes.. LOL!!!!

Open the door to do laundry and you get a nice slap in the face of fresh lady essence. There is no talking away this smell, no fruit at all, unmistakable pot smell :D can't wait to smoke these ones.

If i wasn't a few days from chop i'd fire up a charcoal filter.. However there won't be many visitors in the house, so i am not overly worried.
great shots great plants

your da man
Ookin Ell mate..Big momas...mmm...mmm...mmm...:drool:

I've scrolled and scrolled and I just Cannot make my mind up which I Love the most.
Too Much Canna Porn has made me gaga..;)

ICU#2... Red pheno.. AKA Red Russian. She is hiding her goods, so hard to get a shot of the color. girls are is so Frustrating until you get them Naked.

ICU#2 - Duplex Pheno
Now..that is a Good yielder for an indoor grow.....Bet you are Happy with that....
I seem to remember a time in the grow when you thought they were gonna be Small...huh....

And, the best for last.
ALF#3 - Small pheno, didn't seed it, it's like 6 inches tall. But what a show!!
STUNNING..isn't she......What a little Star.......:kiss:

Photos are Brilliant too...just on a Macro..or have you been having lessons...:D
Tell us the truth now...

:clap: :clap: :clap: :jump: :jump: :jump: :hump: :hump: :hump: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Just had to leave a Wiggle for them.....

let them see the screen..and they will know that I am Happy with them...:D
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AKA Red Russian

Instant picture of Bridget Neilsen...Red Sonia..?

BTW..the little SweetHeart Bud at the bottom of the stem made Me fall for my first LR#1.
I had this one out to water today, i have another that is damn near a carbon copy.
This one is the tallest in the garden, also the largest main cola. However the buds aren't as compact as say the duplex pheno. We'll see..

It is eating itself like no tomorrow, allot of yellow fans from the flushing.. Smoke should be NICE!!!! It has a woody/dirt kind of smell, with a hint of ammonia in the back ground. Really interested in what the high is going to be like.

Now..that is a Good yielder for an indoor grow.....Bet you are Happy with that....
I seem to remember a time in the grow when you thought they were gonna be Small...huh....

I did have a suspicion, as the mom was just a small 12 inch red pheno.
Really happy with the size. As long as yield holds the same, i'll be slap happy.. :D

STUNNING..isn't she......What a little Star.......

Photos are Brilliant too...just on a Macro..or have you been having lessons...
Tell us the truth now...

Thanks :D
Just an amateur photog.
Macro setting, still hand and spend some time on the focus. When i take a shot and put it on the PC, it's like 5000 x 3000 pixles. So the pics are super blown up. I just select what part i want to copy.
That ALF shot i didn't even have to zoom or anything. We just bought a nice camera the chistmass before last. If it didn't take pics like that i'd be taking the thing back, for what it cost.
Wait until i get a GOOD macro lens, one that gets in there 50x's zoom.. Then we will see some amazing shots. I am just using the general one canon sells with their package.