Lighting Icer (R-Kiem), 0.12m2, HS1+DIY, BioDWC

You are the master of fitting a plant to a Space. Mind boggling precession.

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Thanks guys for your kind words :)

Here goes another update

47 day from helmet, 18 day of 12/12

Another week has passed. She drank about 8 litres of water in all week, small deficit of accured, which i did know coming. Filled the tank 3 times in a week:
3+ l of water + 5ml of 1:5:1 solution
3+ l of water + 5ml of 1:5:1 solution + 3ml of molasses
1+ l of water + 3ml of 1:5:1 solution
Gave normal weekly dose of P in three parts, just to be sure not to overdose with that. Plant seems to be feeling well, there are no signs of any other deficit, and P deficit will pass easily, in next week plant will eat less of it already.
This is a feed schedule im trying to stick to:
feed graphic.jpg

So far i've been using mainly molasses, somewhat about 30ml of CalMag and 15ml of Shultz Bloom food 1:5:1 solution. That is very unusual for me, and i understood, that i have pile of bottles with chemical shit i don't need anymore :D

Have ran a filter today, just to make dwc tea more clean and to look what's living in there. Seems to be healthy, smell is earthy and good, but i did found new form of life there and that is parasitic nematode. It does not eat live roots (seems like not to), it feeds on other living things in there, or even dead stuff, still not sure, but roots seems to be healthy and only few very small pieces of roots were unattached there, so im not in panic yet, but surely will take a closer look to that.
Here is that nematode, found like 5 of them in one small drop of shit filter did catched and tea from dwc, so there are hundreds of thousands of them (were before filtering) in dwc tank. These many of small nematodes nearby are rotifers, i have shown them earlier. Zoom is like 800x or smth here

And here goes a plant.
Seems like she will not stretch enough to take all vertical space after all, i regret that did not gave her another week of veg, and another thing - i did tested full power of lights instantly after putting plant to 12/12, and that seems to be stopping vertical growth noticeably. Earlier i always ran HS1 only till stretching is done, and this time i learned the hard way, that my earlier methods were more effective.
Ofcourse, she will grow more yet, but i think that somewhat 5-10cm will be still available for her and empty.
Today i have tied some biggest leaf down with rubber bands, just to remove them from bottom nodes. Will keep her this way for a few days and then will decide is defol needed or not. Do not want to cut anything off yet, that would halt the growth completely, and that is not what i need this time.
Another mistake was to remove 2 leaf from central cola 5th time, it is shorter than side colas now. I have made a conclusion, that this method works very well, but you need to remove only 3 pairs of these center leaf if you want canopy to be like tree, and 4 pairs, if you want it to be flat and even. 5th time is too much.
So, here goes the plant :)


See you in few days :)


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TaNg, when i first saw these wiggling things in front of me, i even started to was my hands more often :D There are millions of them everywhere around us :D

And here goes some update.

50 days from helmet, 21 days of 12/12

Defol was done. This will stress her and make bottom nodes grow much faster. Now it is most important to no fuck up with feed, but i decided to do it my way after all.
Started to feed some more P and a bit of K.
Actually it's only way for us, humans, to learn thru on mistakes, and it is good hen these are not so bad :D

Small update on grow

58 day from helmet, 29 day of 12/12
EC is constantly rising, apprx 100ppm in one day. There are lots of life there in dwc, i think this is the reason. Anyway, whole week have fed her only water, EC keeps between 1200 and 1300ppm and that is top limit, as is seen on the tips of leaves. Will feed only water now, till EC drops under 1000ppm and give some potassium then. This will happen in few days.
Gave tablet of vitamn B complex few days ago, it has been gone in couple of hours completely (smell of it), all these organisms and plant has swallowed it in a hurry :D Will repeat that in few days, seems that plant did like it :)
Green mass has grown again and today it is good day for cutting plants by moon calendar, so i decided to make some accurate and very mild defol. Have removed couple of whole leaf from center and few leaf fingers here and there, just to open bottom bud sites without serious stress.
And here goes the plant
before defol



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Killing if Bro this plant really is going to be all bud.

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Im glad that you like her guys :)

And here goes first dumb mistake of mine, ofcourse it is overfeeding. Have her shower with Biogen couple of days ago, and that would be not a problem, but.. :D But i decided, that i must add that f*n Biogen to tea also, added 5ml of it (it's even much smaller dosage than usual) and that has done that (facepalm). Here hoes burnt tips of leaves, even not a few, but much ot them and stigmas, in early stages of flowering that is a killer mistake. Measured ppm next day - it was 1400 and i cant even imagine why i did not measured it instantly after adding Biogen, to prevent this happening just by replacing some of tea with water. With adding only water i managed to put it to 1200 for now, so situation seems to be quite stable and not so much damage received. But that is serious mistake of mine, need to remember that...
Here she goes.