Lighting Icer (R-Kiem), 0.12m2, HS1+DIY, BioDWC

Yeah man, she's quick on that :D So quick, that i had to train her today for a little bit.
In thursday she will go to flower.
And thanks for the rep, man.
29 day from helmet

4 weeks of veg passed, switched to 12/12 today.
Some "claws" are seen here and there, seems like these microbes are puking plenty of N here. Will not give any molasses for a while, till fresh bacto tea. PH is stable 6.4, doing nothing with that.
Here we are today.
Yeah, these bio things are still thrilling me :D
And here goes day 36
All week have done nothing with plant or tea, only once filled up tank with 1.5l of water. Till today pH automaticly gone to 5.4 and plant got slightly lighter, so i decided that it's time to give some more food. Filled up tank with 3.2l of water and 0.5l of freshly brewed humatic tea.
tea2 - step1.jpg tea4flowering.jpg
This time tea was made from biohumus, local branded humatic tea, ghe bioworm (thats also kinda humatic tea :) ), grinded oats and molasses. All that was left to activate for almost a week till oats was well eaten by mycorhizae, and 3 days ago added all that mas to brew with Bactobloom and Bactor bacterial insulants, water and more molasses. What i got is super healthy looking tea, and another set of new good microorganisms (these are living in fresh water ponds) - euplotes, coleps, vorticella. Will see how this new tea will do in hydro.
The tea

The plant
I regret that i did not gave another week of veg, plant will not take all available height. She grew well in a week, but i still do not see any jump. Another two weeks ahead, will see. WHen sex will be clear, i will remove all small nodes from bottoms and leave only best colas. Want to try it this way this time :)
Photo of roots taken few days ago, when i removed plant for tea filtering and tank cleaning.

And that's it! Most beatiful season ahead :)
We will see :) Todays defol may slow down growth a bit, but on second hand, i need just 15-20 more cm, that would fill all square space with bud again :)

40 days from helmet, 11 days of 12/12

Today pland has shown sex, so i decided to make some defol and remove all small nodes from bottoms. This will divert all energy to main colas.
Added 3l of water.

P.S> forgot to mention, that gave 15ml of TNC CalMag days ago and other ferts (Shultz Bloom food) 1:5:1 just to raise P and N, Cal, Mg a bit. That was about 150-200ppms
Also gave 3ml of molasses straight do DWC, to keep these microorganisms happy.
New bacto tea is also on the way :)
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Yeah, she does. This time i decided to try it with only strong colas, without small nodes and "chupa chups" like small buds. Want to compare the result and bud thickness with that. Also in later flowering will try to use mild defol, without removing whole leaf. Just to see how ir works.
There is no rest for the wicked :D

Here goes next day after cutting, she seems to be ok :)
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