Grow Room I need some help!

May 19, 2013
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Okay so I'm growing two Blue Mystics and one Northern Light, but they aren't the issue, however they are in danger....Kinda.... Just figured I'd throw that out there.

So anyway... Stealth CFL grow with supplemental leds. Box is only 14x14" square by 20" high with about 5" of usable but confined space below the actual cabinet. I was hoping to use 5- 65k cfls hung on one fixture by two chains. The lights are about 2" apart. 3 on one side and 2 on the other, mounted on like a 7x2" piece of wood. I have a pc fan mounted in the center of fixture, on top above the light sucking the air upwards. On the top backside of the cabinet going out I have a 6" inline duct booster fan, like 250 cfm advertised, going from the fan to a 6 to 4" reducer, then about 1.5' of 4" flex into a coupling made into a carbon "filter" AND THEN I have a 4" inline duct booster fan sucking the air out of the whole setup. And this is blown out into the room not back into the box.... My intakes are rather sloppy. I got ahead of myself and used what was available, which was a 1" paddle bit... needless to say, my box ended up a little swiss cheesed :face:
But at the end of all of that I was sucking in some decent air and not blowing any out what so ever. I did the lighter test to all the holes and they passed...

My temps were through the roof. 100 degrees with only 3 cfls running. It is a little warm here so I might be able to drop my temps maybe 6 or 7 degrees if I rig up the ac for the room. But I like the fact that its an open room and we always have an exhaust fan blowing out one of the windows.

I don't know much about ventilation, this is the first time I had to rig something for smell. But the filter pulls with the carbon in it. Maybe the positioning of my intakes? I have 3 1" holes on the back bottom end. Then from the compartment beneath I have 3 1" holes towards the front floor and a bunch of smaller like 6mm holes drilled without the floor board.

Or could it be that I wired my lights directly into a plug and plugged them into the socket like temporary lighting you see with the yellow nets around them? I don't know if that would make them any hotter than using those plug in light sockets on a power strip.

This is extremely frustrating and I'm about to build a new bigger box. But once I get pics up you might understand why I like this setup. I just need to cool the damn thing down. I'm about to build a box around the cfls but I don't want to obstruct the leds too much, they are going directly onto the ceiling.
Hey easy :)

I've been there with the small cab cfl heat problem, the good news is it sounds like you have most of the kit you need to sort it out. A couple of pictures would help, I'm a little confused by your carbon "filter" setup - is it home made?

The 250cfm fan should be fine for pulling heat out of your cab.

I could not fit a carbon filter and out take fan inside my cab, so I cut a 4" hole in the top of the right hand side, attached ducting from it to the out take fan which was sat on top and attached to my carbon filter therefor sucking heat and air our of my cab into my carbon filter and out into the room. The ducting was then disguised with a towel :)

I had a hole in the bottom of the left hand side so air could be pulled through the cab (from the out take fan)- no fan necessary there - I tried many and it never really cooled my cab down.

The small pc fan I hung so they blew some air over the cfls - seemed to keep them cool.

That worked for me and sounds like you have most of what's needed there.

Just my thoughts - hope it helps

Blue ^_^
Oh, lol I just got my tape measure out and feel a bit dim ^_^

I'm not sure my advice is gonna help with a cab that small, sorry easy - I think you need a little more space!
Yeah its pretty tight lol but thanks anyway. Your advice is good, I don't have any actual fans blowing on the cfls I just assumed with that much out take on the fans that it heat wouldn't be a factor. I'm still curious about how the wiring effects the heat out put though.. How did you rig your lights?

ps I'll post some pics within the hour
Initially I had a 200w cfl in a reflector, but eventually to save space I drilled 4 small holes in the top and hung the cfl with garden wire. (With a fan blowing directly across it)
25" tall x 14" sq. good for one small plant... (one plant if grown right can average 25" across X 30" tall) maybe build something the size of a shower for one good plant..when I say good I mean something you can pull 4-6 oz. dry no point in spending 3 months time and labor for small yeilds ....:2cents:
@ Villain Yes unfortunately.. @ Blue yeah I def need to rig a fan of some sort @ bud head yeah I can dig it, I'm just bored though. Plus believe me, if I could have it my way my entire house would be a jungle lol but this is what im stuck with for now... Maybe a bigger box in the closet eventually... here's some pics View attachment 229123View attachment 229126View attachment 229127View attachment 229128View attachment 229129
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btw I mounted that computer intake fan just to cool it for now, it blows air out of the other intakes so it won't be any good for odor control.
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If I decide to go the bigger route, would the cfls work for me? I plan on heading to the hydro shop tomorrow to check out some supplemental leds. Hell maybe even something I can grow with. But I like lst and an even canopy.. I guess a bigger box wouldn't stop that. And I guess I just answered my own question :o You might have changed the route of this grow my friend. Realistically I COULD build a bigger box and was already leaning towards it. I just like this because its in my den and its part of my computer desk.