New Grower I have a whole big room, should I get a tent?

Mar 20, 2015
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I'm just in the planning stages of a new grow. I think I am going to plant 4-5 plants under a 300W LED light. This is going in a spare bedroom and I'm not particularly concerned about stealth (pot is legal here...YAY!).

There is a big window in the room, and Alaska will provide free extra light (I'll rig a light blocking curtain so the dark time will actually be dark).

I can even open the window for extra ventilation during the light cycle.

Would the benefits of a tent outweigh the drawbacks?

I'm trying to keep it as simple and inexpensive as possible.

Oh...and I'm a total noob.

EDIT after several responses: I am so dumb! The room has a nice sized closet. It's 2' deep, 5' 6" wide with the clothes bar 5' 7" above the floor.

I could paint the inside of the closet or line it with mylar. I have a pack of 10 mylar emergency blankets, which would be way more than I need.


I could remove the doors, I could get a couple of pieces of paneling (less combustible than cardboard) and either paint them or staple on the mylar and lean those against the opening to reflect light. Everything in the closet can go...the shirts belong to a neighbor even.

I'd have to be very careful about the dimensions of the light(s).

Any additional advice would be appreciated.
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I'm just in the planning stages of a new grow. I think I am going to plant 4-5 plants under a 300W LED light. This is going in a spare bedroom and I'm not particularly concerned about stealth (pot is legal here...YAY!).

There is a big window in the room, and Alaska will provide free extra light (I'll rig a light blocking curtain so the dark time will actually be dark).

I can even open the window for extra ventilation during the light cycle.

Would the benefits of a tent outweigh the drawbacks?

I'm trying to keep it as simple and inexpensive as possible.

Oh...and I'm a total noob.

I'm a noob too so don't know how much help I'll be. Are you growing autoflowers? If so there really isn't a worry about total darkness during "lights out". I have a Mars-Hydro 300w LED and I think two plants is the most I can get under there during bloom. I'm about to buy another, more powerful LED so I can grow more than two at a time.

As far as I know, keeping them in a room vs. a tent would be fine. It is easy to control temperature, airflow, humidity, etc... in an enclosed environment like a tent - but that may not be an issue for you. I know that the plants love fresh air so the window is a plus!

What are you going to grow? Good luck!


You have enough light for about 6 sq feet ... you can put it in a corner w/ mylar or tinfoil on the wall with cardboard walls (lined w/ shiny stuff) or use the closet in the bedroom ... I use tinfoil because mylar is a pain in the ass to install ... I've been using the same 'L' shaped cardboard walls in one space for 3 years ... or get a 'fridgerator box and line that ... I like a minimum of 5' height ...

Howdy and Welcome to AFN Jo...

I am also a Newbee..But My thinking a little diff than Jane's.... I like the tent or inclosed idea to grow..From reading and some rescearch that a clean area is best if indoors..I'd figure out just what I want to grow and the amount.Then build around tha idea..Have only what you need in your area..Like fans filter lights heater..etc..But having a whole room to keep stuff like nute's and watering or even a dest to keep a log would be great..must say I'm a bit jealous..I always got to watch for the man to play with my hobby...

Do your homework...The folk here are great with help and most of the time friendly..wink

That I am growing autoflowers is about the only thing I'm sure of at this point. I haven't picked a strain and I'm not sure about the light. I thought I could get 4-5 under a 300W LED. Hmmm....
I like the idea of a corner and cardboard walls. Is it reasonable to think that I can keep four plants (which I will spoil and sing to and put to bed with a lullaby every night) happy in that space?
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I used a corner of my room ligned it with Mylar then made cardboard walls ligned with Mylar and my light hanger is a simple clothes rack with wheels to be able to move it around a bit. 60 bucks or so to set it up. I have two light racks covers about 8x8 to 10x10 area.
Clothes racks are a good idea ... I also like using single or double track shelving ... one piece of 'double track' and a bracket should hold any LED light but if you use two it gives you a shelf above the light ... one thing we growers know how to do is be cheap ...

I like the idea of a corner and cardboard walls. Is it reasonable to think that I can keep four plants (which I will spoil and sing to and put to bed with a lullaby every night) happy in that space?

Generally as a new grower your plants will be a little smaller than after you've had a few grows ... unless you get seeds that produce larger plants ... I'd try 3-4 AKR or auto Blue Mystics in that space ... after a couple grows you'll find that two plants can produce the same as six ... I'd try 3 - 3 gal pots max but you can go w/ smaller pots but why ?


Bear in mind that the cardboard walls need only be 3-4 ft tall ... if you use a corner you can get a piece of cardboard about 3-4'x5.5' ... put a 90* bend 3' up on the 5.5' side ... this becomes your outside walls ... easy to move and dirt cheap .... mylar is significantly better than tinfoil ...

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If you don't have to worry about stealth! I strongly advise against cardboard in a possible fire area... just set it in the corner with a fan and your lights.. Now as far as 300 watts its actually 278 watts I think, so for the price I would get 2 then you can run 4 for sure with no issues and get big fat bud's.... ONCE AGAIN CARDBOARD IN A FIRE HAZARD AREA IS A BAD IDEA!!!!!!!! And white paint is cheaper and more effective. If you need to partition it off use 5 mil whit plastic and staples......I have 2 mars hydro 300's they are a great product!!
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