Oh yeah I added about an inch of castings to topdress as well... Started a worm bin about 3 weeks ago with a pound of wigglers.... I also bought 30 lbs of castings locally.... Looking to start a compost bin soon
Thanks @Proph all of this is still trial for me... With this i wanted to see how fast the soil plants grew compared to what I know which is coco and synthetics... The plants were slow for the past week or so... Why I topdressed Thurs night... The soil plants were all yellow and small... I topdressed 2 nights ago... Theyve been in the soil for about 10 days I believe....they actually are looking better since ive added the tea Thurs night (before the topdress) btw these are photo dosido's... Only auto is the biggest 1 and its was started in coco, synthetic nutes, and daily flood to waste... Autos are still kinda foreign to me, but soil is totally alien... I added 6 cups of craft blend to 2.5 cuft of b.a.s. and we both agreed in post 62 of this thread that I was in need of top dressing.... Im still learning and owing you and @WildBill for my first soil harvest.... Coco and synthetic though stems like