I cant get a grasp on starting up an organic grow

Oh yeah I added about an inch of castings to topdress as well... Started a worm bin about 3 weeks ago with a pound of wigglers.... I also bought 30 lbs of castings locally.... Looking to start a compost bin soon
I added the top dress Thursday night... Its just soil no coco the 2 smallest are soil the 2 biggest are coco and synthetic salts
I can almost guarantee that the plants aren't deficient. They are shocked and stunted from the super hot soil. Build A Soil 3.0 is their most heavily amended soil. It's a water only mix that is lab tested and has everything in abundance. Im not sure how much soil you added all of the amendments to, but it sounds like waaayyy too much. The 3.0 soil should get you several runs with autos before you need to add anything. And even then, it wouldn't be at that those amounts. Living soils get better as they are used.. So the more runs you do in it, the less maintenance you have to do. I use the the Malibu mix and have only used the craft blend top dress a few times in 5-7 back to back runs. If you re amended 1cf of soil then the directions for the barley would be 1/4th cup per plant.. Since you're growing autos, I'd cut that in half.. So 1/8th of a cup.. You used 2 cups.. The instructions for craft blend is 2-4 cups per cf
of soil.. You used 6... Keep in mind the instructions are based on your soil being depleted, which yours was far from. I dont know a fix for over amending an already heavily amended soil. I suggest getting on IG and following Jeremy and Build A Soil. They do seed to harvest photo period grows in all of their mixes and post tutorial vids and updates.
through out. Never a yellow leaf.. Never an issue.. Rarely adds top dresses..

This is my 15 gal pot of the Malibu mix.. I just chopped 3 autos about a month ago. I didn't add a thing.. Just planted 3 new seeds. Water only..

Even if/when things are needed it's important to either follow the suggested amounts or use less than the suggested amounts with autos. It's also important to factor in that you're growing autos and that the suggested amounts of products are based on photoperiod plants or other types of crops.. Not autos.
Thanks @Proph all of this is still trial for me... With this i wanted to see how fast the soil plants grew compared to what I know which is coco and synthetics... The plants were slow for the past week or so... Why I topdressed Thurs night... The soil plants were all yellow and small... I topdressed 2 nights ago... Theyve been in the soil for about 10 days I believe....they actually are looking better since ive added the tea Thurs night (before the topdress) btw these are photo dosido's... Only auto is the biggest 1 and its was started in coco, synthetic nutes, and daily flood to waste... Autos are still kinda foreign to me, but soil is totally alien... I added 6 cups of craft blend to 2.5 cuft of b.a.s. and we both agreed in post 62 of this thread that I was in need of top dressing.... Im still learning and owing you and @WildBill for my first soil harvest.... Coco and synthetic though stems like

Can't forget canopies like this

Soil just smoke so much better
Thanks @Proph all of this is still trial for me... With this i wanted to see how fast the soil plants grew compared to what I know which is coco and synthetics... The plants were slow for the past week or so... Why I topdressed Thurs night... The soil plants were all yellow and small... I topdressed 2 nights ago... Theyve been in the soil for about 10 days I believe....they actually are looking better since ive added the tea Thurs night (before the topdress) btw these are photo dosido's... Only auto is the biggest 1 and its was started in coco, synthetic nutes, and daily flood to waste... Autos are still kinda foreign to me, but soil is totally alien... I added 6 cups of craft blend to 2.5 cuft of b.a.s. and we both agreed in post 62 of this thread that I was in need of top dressing.... Im still learning and owing you and @WildBill for my first soil harvest.... Coco and synthetic though stems like

You said you wanted to, "see how fast the soil plants grew compared to what I know which is coco and synthetics" but you can only find that out by growing properly in soil. @Proph was pointing out that you seem to have over-done the feeding. The point being.. I think you're making an unfair comparison by comparing the results of 'what you know' to the results of a style you DON'T know, and that you aren't doing in the best possible way. It takes time to learn about soil and to get yourself dialed-in with soil. There's a lot to learn and understand and it's not reasonable to expect to be able to compare your soil grows to your salt grows - not ANY time soon, anyway. As far as the potential of soil... you kinda have to take that on faith and based on guys that are clearly showing that it's POSSIBLE to rival salt grows in terms of speed and yield. IF you can do that, then it's simply a matter of setting the goal to get to that level and do the research and the work; with the patience necessary to reach your goal. If you need any inspiration, check out Brandon Rust (@rustbrandon on IG) and listen to his stuff on Future Cannabis Project. Also, growing some autos that you're not familiar with in soil you're not familiar with, makes any comparison seem pretty flawed.

I hope you DO come over to the soil side, though - the quality is SO much better, imo. Soil growing is all about the effort up-front, IMO. You do all the real hard work getting the soil right and, IF YOU DO, it's pretty smooth sailing from there on out. If you pick a good soil system (like BuildASoil) and follow one of their recommendations on soil mixture and what to feed (if anything) during a cycle you can have successful, problem free grows right away. The biggest problem people have, IMO, is following the instructions without deviating from the program or tinkering with or supplementing whatever they think the plant needs! This is especially true of growers coming from a background of salts. I say this as someone that had to learn this the hard way! Lol!

Happy Growing!

In my spongebob narrator voice "2 weeks later"... my 2 dosido's photoperiod that were confused as autos "I guess this is autoflower network though ... They are still slow but picking up the pace....
@DTOM420 I did say I wanted to see how fast the soil plants grew compared to what I know which is coco and synthetics.... It may have been unfair, and flawed... The exercise was not to prove that coco was faster but to prove of I should start my next round of seeds in coco or soil... I work on a perpetual schedule 4-7 zips per plant every plant.... Soooooo if my soil skills weren't up to par to even be close, I needed to know that.... Next round started and looking good... And I seen where @Proph pointed out that I overfed (glad he did before I made the same mistake on a new grow) Day 8...
@DTOM420 thanks for the suggestion on Brandon rust, and I think im making my way over to the soil side too.... This is strictly practice I have the space, time, lights, and genetics at disposal.... As long as it doesnt interfere with my real schedule " I have canopies to build


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