Sup well I have tried h2o2 on bud plants before but I use it more with my seeds for sproutin and after before they pop their heads up give a bit more oxy to them and help to stop dampining or those wierd lil bugs that like to eat them while their comin up...Now Im not going all into the science of it...can I copy and paste articles from the net? well b4 I get that answer go here...
From that page:
Weed killer. I’ve never used it this way, and I’m not sure I would want to… but I’ve read that 10% hydrogen peroxide will kill weeds. Personally, I would rather pull the weeds up. If you do decide to try this, I certainly would NOT use 10% peroxide close to other plants… and I would come back later and add a LOT of water after the unwanted plants ("weeds") have died. This is very very very concentrated…… :hot:
lmao.. i know its different but i found it ironic... lmao...