Indoor Hydro Tips

i'v also got a hydrofarm and i find it best not to run the pump 24/7 straight away i run my pump 1hour on 1hour off for the first week or two then switch to 24/7 when there's a root structure in place.i do know people that run there pump from the start but i think it slows down growth at first in-till there's a decent amount
of roots:peace:
I did i pre run of water in the system. My tap water was ~250ppm. I let it run for 24 hours and checked the ppm again and it was really high ~900ppm. I got the lady running to grab me some distilled for when i start but i did not understand why the ppm had risen so high. Can anyone chime in?
I dont know why it would rise that much. A little evaporation I can see, but that's crazy. You might want to try it again to see if you can repeat that. 250ppm is kinda high anyways for your water. If you do decide to use store bought water, it'd be better to buy it from like home depot or somewhere similar in those big blue jugs.
I got some distilled. Closest lowes is a lil bit away. Im gonna test it. Does a brita filer work good?

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You could use that filtered water I'm pretty sure. You can also get inexpensive RO units on eBay for like 100-150 bucks.
Just purchased a General Hydroponics Hydrofarm to use for one of my plants. This is supposed to be a complete set and i just need to add a light. Only problem is that i dont know anything about hydroponics but i wanted to use this setup as my starter. Do you guys have any tips on how to use this system or what equipment i may need.

Kool I just got one too. I will be following along.
I did a little testing today things were a little odd. I tested a couple water samples. Tap was 240ppm, distilled from refillable stations(local grocery store) was 230 ppm, Brita filter was at 160ppm. I also was mixing up my solution and i was aiming for a 300 ppm and o felt like i was over doing on the nutes and i was only at 260ppm. Any thoughts?

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no i am using the general hydroponics basic 3 that came with the unit.