Outdoor Hybrid grow from Belivitez //FastBud#2 + Outdoor auto BATTLE

Sorry bro i forgot to answer... i dont know, i would say arround 50cm couse lst. If i leave top they can reach 80cm + easy :)

This is photo from today....

GG fastbuds

GSC fastbuds


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Nice, have to take some time sometimes to study this FB strains, that are all around here on AFN! Expert choice on your soil mix...wanted to use blood and fish powder this year, but time was running out, so i used fresh trout fish heads and lots of mykos this year...i'll watch the progress!
Thanks man!! I figured out i have all time problems with liquid nutes so i go to organic :cooldance: this is one of my best choice so far!

@TheMongol if you have chance to grow FB definitely i recomendent:frog:
I'll do definitely, but first have to deal my current never ending...cheers!
Neeeeews!!! GSC top cola is done :headbang: i chop main cola yesterday and this is crazy, sticky, dense (i can easy compare this with sourcrack from mephisto)!


GG, she needs i would say 6 days more :woohoo1:

:drool: Wooohaaa, harvest time!:frog:
Nice, very nice the GSC...you ship some dry bud to me for a little test:bighug::smoking: