HushHush does Mephisto

@912GreenSkell - I’m sticking with my original pot size as there are a couple different pheno‘s of White Crack with one being larger. I’ll also do some light training on her though I’m undecided about topping her at the moment.

Topping - I wouldn't top at this point...but again this is relative to strain and pot size. I grow in promix HP in 1.5 gallon pots, in a small space and "stack plants like firewood" planting 7 plants in a space that only measures. Until you get a better feel for the grow space and the typical growth rates. LST is certainly a lighter stress method with lower impact.

Have you ever read the weak link article?
Topping - I wouldn't top at this point...but again this is relative to strain and pot size. I grow in promix HP in 1.5 gallon pots, in a small space and "stack plants like firewood" planting 7 plants in a space that only measures. Until you get a better feel for the grow space and the typical growth rates. LST is certainly a lighter stress method with lower impact.

Have you ever read the weak link article?

Fantastic article. I’m going to print it out and pin it up. Essential reading for all new growers [emoji106]


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Fantastic article. I’m going to print it out and pin it up. Essential reading for all new growers [emoji106]


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It is a list for success...tick them off one at a time. We all make mistakes, and very few of us have perfect climates to grow in, its the ability to observe an issue and adapt quickly, that will make you an exceptional grower in the long run.
Topping - I wouldn't top at this point...but again this is relative to strain and pot size. I grow in promix HP in 1.5 gallon pots, in a small space and "stack plants like firewood" planting 7 plants in a space that only measures. Until you get a better feel for the grow space and the typical growth rates. LST is certainly a lighter stress method with lower impact.

Have you ever read the weak link article? a space that only measures.......:LOLStoned::baked:........ what size is your space bud?

Link me up to the "weak link" article please, I haven't read it!

@HushHush I'm in agreement with 912 GreenSkell about LST! LST is good fun and gets the bud sites exposed to the light better.

Topping is normally done at 5th internode but why not have a progressive plan LST and tucking this grow, FIM on 2nd grow, Topping 3rd grow, 4th grow defoliation etc that way you get to try the different methods but in that order the learning curve isn't too steep. Always be doing research and reading journals about techniques you want to try (to be forewarned is to be forearmed).

As you grow more your skills will develop and so will your grow style and in time you will be able to combine techniques, but one technique at a time until your have a good foundation in growing and it's associated techniques and have a good understanding of those techniques.

We are with you brother and will lend a hand when needed! Not so far in the future you will be doing the same and that's one of the reasons why AFN rocks!:headbang: We love to help each other out! a space that only measures.......:LOLStoned::baked:........ what size is your space bud?

Link me up to the "weak link" article please, I haven't read it!

@HushHush I'm in agreement with 912 GreenSkell about LST! LST is good fun and gets the bud sites exposed to the light better.

Topping is normally done at 5th internode but why not have a progressive plan LST and tucking this grow, FIM on 2nd grow, Topping 3rd grow, 4th grow defoliation etc that way you get to try the different methods but in that order the learning curve isn't too steep. Always be doing research and reading journals about techniques you want to try (to be forewarned is to be forearmed).

As you grow more your skills will develop and so will your grow style and in time you will be able to combine techniques, but one technique at a time until your have a good foundation in growing and it's associated techniques and have a good understanding of those techniques.

We are with you brother and will lend a hand when needed! Not so far in the future you will be doing the same and that's one of the reasons why AFN rocks!:headbang: We love to help each other out!

The Weak Link and the Art of Training Yourself to be a better grower

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Nice post!

This is a Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry in coco, in a 15 liter pot and it is 1.25 Meters wide!

So depending on the strain your growing pot size can play an important factor,..................growing a relatively small strain............ then giving it every extra bit of root space can help with maxing your yield.

Growing an XXL strains or super autos for example and using a big pot, in a small space and you could find yourself with huge thug of a plant, that has outgrown its space.

This Auto Glueberry wouldn't fit in to a 70cm x 70cm space, it's almost twice as wide.

It is better to start with smaller pots and get bigger pots once you are used to growing in your space and see what works with the techniques and methods you use.

Everyone has a slightly different growing style and experience level, every grow you do, you will learn something new and maybe one day you will look back and think "hmm if only".............but hindsight is always 20/20 and you can see things with clarity, that you wouldn't have been able to see looking forward, due to lack of knowledge and experience.

Once knowledge has been accrued and experience gained , then it is the time to apply it and grow bigger and better than before.

First learn to grow good plants which have some nice buds & then learn to maximize the yield.

In the first post HushHush mentioned his last journal wasn't successful, so let's get him the basics first and then teach him to grow monsters after that.

AFN is famous for supporting new growers and especially so, because of our friendly helpful members, who are always willing to lend a hand and many new growers have gone on to be expert growers, with their own techniques and styles.

Just remember when you first started growing and the advice you were given, new growers need to start from scratch and work their way up to where more experienced growers are.

They need to be helped step by step so they can learn and grow in confidence, Rome wasn't built in a day so, K.I.S.S and after that make it as involved and as in depth as you like.

One last thing brother, try read as many journals as you can where the tent size, substrate and equipment are similar. Coco journals especially.

I'm looking forward to further installments and lots of nice pics and enjoy the rest of your weekend bro:pass::coco::smokeit::forward:

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