I wanted to let you know that I gave up on watering daily, in the early stages anyway. I'm still using your volumes as my base, but rather than try to increase the watering amount slowly I'm giving each plant the maximum amount of water for each 5 day increment, and then simply waiting for them to dry out before the next watering. I appreciate the results from the other method, but I simply have too many plants to try and adjust their water levels daily. I also abandoned the day 1-10 plain watering period. It was a PH issue causing the rusty spots on my leaves, but rather than PH the water I decided to just add the nutes at .5ml per liter for day 1-5 and .75ml per liter for day 5-9. My newest have responded great and are catching up quickly to the ones 2 weeks ahead. Thanks again for the help, I'm still surprised that the same nutes and schedule have worked incredibly for the more than 20 strains I'm currently running simultaneously, go tang!