Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope #4 by Margahooja


How do you start your seeds? I'm (finally) starting a few later this week and after the last disaster(s) am looking for some tips! Thanks!
For the last 2 years I just plant directly in my final pot. I water my soil, let it settle a liitle bit, then plant my seed about a quarter inch deep. After that I have it under a light to keep it warm and use a spray bottle and mist it a couple times a day. I'd say on average most of mine sprout in 3 days, I've had a couple a little less and I think one went 4 days. I had one that never did anything. I don't soak my seeds or use the paper towel method. I used to, but a couple years back I just had a run of bad luck and bad germ rates and I just found I was comfortable doing it this way and never went back. Are you going to be trying the Hubbabubbasmelloscope?
That is the method I've used as well. Last time around was just a total bust though. I had lots of temperature and humidity issues though so I will try this method again. Thanks!

Yes! I am trying the HBBSS! So excited to try it and from your journals it looks like a relatively easy, hearty strain. Can't wait to start...

For the last 2 years I just plant directly in my final pot. I water my soil, let it settle a liitle bit, then plant my seed about a quarter inch deep. After that I have it under a light to keep it warm and use a spray bottle and mist it a couple times a day. I'd say on average most of mine sprout in 3 days, I've had a couple a little less and I think one went 4 days. I had one that never did anything. I don't soak my seeds or use the paper towel method. I used to, but a couple years back I just had a run of bad luck and bad germ rates and I just found I was comfortable doing it this way and never went back. Are you going to be trying the Hubbabubbasmelloscope?
That's in my next grow! Can't wait. Would you please, please please make some mistakes so I can learn what they are so I don't have to repeat them? Please! :pass:
You can blame Mitch and crew for that. They sure made my life easier after a few disaster grows I had before I found Mitch.