Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope #4 by Margahooja

Day 32. Here's a few photos, she's now 30 inches tall, taking over the tent
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lovely Marga. cant wait to grow one out in a proper pot. the chip bag stalled at 27 inch.
Thanks Elsam, this one is on her way to become quite large. I've been used to them being tall and lanky, but this one seems to be larger all the way around. I'm anxious to see where vertical growth stops. I think I had one 40 or 42 inches, I have to back and look.
Thanks Elsam, this one is on her way to become quite large. I've been used to them being tall and lanky, but this one seems to be larger all the way around. I'm anxious to see where vertical growth stops. I think I had one 40 or 42 inches, I have to back and look.
I bought a 5 gal air pot just for this one then the comp came up. I'll definitely get another one in this winter
Day 37. She's 36.5 inches tall. She's still growing vertically but starting to slow. Today I started something I usually don't do. I normally feed grow nutes until vertical growth stops. I decided to split the feed and transition it to bloom nutes. So it got half grow and half bloom nutes. These aren't the best photos, been in a hurry today.