The newest plants are 7 days old now and have been getting the "root building" circular waterings to get the roots to bottom out and spread,so far all is healthy looking,here's a few pics
And in the meantime the three Duurty Magics and the three HSO blue dream babies are now 14 days old...I dunno they seem to be growing slow but I see the most growth around the 25-40 day mark..
The newest plants are 7 days old now and have been getting the "root building" circular waterings to get the roots to bottom out and spread,so far all is healthy looking,here's a few pics View attachment 527108View attachment 527109

Hey budelee, Awesome everything is progressing nicely. I think you will have your redemption and drop the Dragon Slayer title:). I have a question about the placement of the sprouts. I always shoot for the center,I was wondering if the offset is a technique or did you throw more than one and pick the best? Just curious bro..Peace budelee Irons up:headbang:
Hi'ya @Ripped In Oregon the seeds were offset planted to train them around the rim of the pot/ current batch was untrained besides the fimming but this batch I'm going for a way shorter and more even canopy..I have two Blue Dream plants at the first tie ( to the bucket) and as they grow I'll continue looping them around,this is a first for me so we will see how things turn out ,I am finding out that seven plants is too many for the 4x4 footprint,and I'm pretty sure 6 will be too many as well,my following grow will only have 4 plants which when lst/spread open will more than cover the 16sf..peace !!!
Hey @Ripped In Oregon , I was watering tonight and tying down the blue dream plant so I thought I'd post a pic,now I'm in the beginning stages but this was an technique shared by @ChillFred ,( Thanks Chill!)
you can check out his plant to see how it will progress( the Yolanta plant is way ahead of mine) ..ill get some better Wappa pics up soon ...peace !!
The smaller plants are moving along smoothly and the training is going good,I am tying Kia's about everyday ,here's a few pics
This pic
is showing the plant that was fimmed and still continued to grow ,I had to lst the cola at a 90 to control the height,not so sure this strain is strong enough to take being fim/topped,final numbers will tell the truth !!!
Just a quick update on the new batch of blue dream and Duurty Magic plants...all seems to be going well with the training,but yes it does take daily monitoring so the nodes don't get to long before they are pulled back down,I am also( and I know this is controversial) cutting the fan leaves off as the branch has enough leaves to provide its own energy,if anyone has questions about why I chose to defoliate,please read @Truu thread in the coco section,this will be an experimental grow as well since I've never used this training method,all welcome to watch and contribute !! Here's a few pics