Humboldt Seed Organization HSO & Growtogrow grow HSO Autos


Yup !
Cultivators Club
Mar 1, 2017
Reaction score
Hey y'all [emoji481][emoji482]
From mid Michigan USA.

Love Homboldt seeds
I've been growing the Chocolate Mint Og for a couple of years now. This IS a fantastic plant
[emoji106][emoji106][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482] a must try strain. With awesome flavors and the effects are out standing[emoji817][emoji12]

I'm going to be growing Humboldt Seed Organization New auto line.

HSO OG Kush auto
HSO Lemon juice express auto

I gremed 3 seeds early on 4/12/2019 of each strain.

I also grem 2 of each strain on the grow off grem start date 4/17/2019

I grow mustly organic but not totally about 90/10 in mostly my custom soil.

Enough said pics will give y'all a better look at what I'm doing[emoji817]

Ok your getting a hyperactive updates to the HSO auto grow


@StTom @TheMongol
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Update week 2

Well we had trouble wasn't good one of the OG Kush babies lost her head in a strong wind. That popped her little head right off[emoji35] so I'm down to one competition OG Kush and to competition lemon juice Express.
it is what it is can't fix Mother Nature it happens to happen like it happens that's a lot of happening but it just happens to be that way enough with that.
So the girl looks pretty good though otherwise we got a lot going on at the mid-Michigan mini Farm we haven't had much Sunshine lot of rain has been very cold.

So the ones with the orange name tags are my competition plants in the big 65-gallon pot.
I have a friend of mine growing one of the OG Kush and one of the lemon juice Express at his house and he's having fairly decent success there growing basically in my same soil.

First 2 picks are my competition plants the second 2 pics are the plants that gremed on the 12 of April and the last 2 pics are plants that I have at my buddies house and he's growing them.

Had pretty good success rate with these Humboldt seeds.
Other than the mishap with the one losing its head all has been successful so far.
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Update week 3

So day before yesterday we had some good Sun for about 3 days.
And yesterday That ended that with overcast skies and rain today. today is May 18th.

So I fed the girls all nice Brew of worm castings tea good dark brown sugar a little bit of Alaskan fish poop concentrate with kelp and other good things in it. I'll give you a breakdown later on in this thread sometime or another. I don't have time to break it down right now. Sorry.

But all the plants got a super good watering and a lot of tea yesterday and it made a big difference even though the temperature is around 55 to 56 right now and was only 64 for the high yesterday everybody's looking really well... I can't say I'm jumping for joy[emoji95] but I'm happier than I was yesterday [emoji14][emoji13][emoji12][emoji482]
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Update week 4

Well the weather is just sh@t still.
Just won't heat up. Sun won't stay out and is over cast 75% of this grow... [emoji27] so growth is slow at best.
Temps 37°low to 78°for the high.
In my area we are 10° to 15° cooler than the average for this time of year[emoji27] and not to mention the rain. We've had a lot of rain this season and more is in the mid Michigan forecast for this week.. UGH[emoji27][emoji299]

The Lemon Juice Express auto seems to be the stronger of the 2 strains. Have had no issues these plants

The OG Kush auto
All these seedlings but 1 have had growing issues of some sort. Mostly just slow and small groth.
Also they don't seem to like full sun and sun burn easily.

Update week 4

Well the weather is just sh@t still.
Just won't heat up. Sun won't stay out and is over cast 75% of this grow... [emoji27] so growth is slow at best.
Temps 37°low to 78°for the high.
In my area we are 10° to 15° cooler than the average for this time of year[emoji27] and not to mention the rain. We've had a lot of rain this season and more is in the mid Michigan forecast for this week.. UGH[emoji27][emoji299]

The Lemon Juice Express auto seems to be the stronger of the 2 strains. Have had no issues these plants

The OG Kush auto
All these seedlings but 1 have had growing issues of some sort. Mostly just slow and small groth.
Also they don't seem to like full sun and sun burn easily.

Thank you so much for getting your HSO adventure up and running my friend :thumbsup:

You of to a solid start :pass:

Let's see what you can do mate, looking good at this early stage :thumbsup:

Kind regards

By the sound of things Lemon juice express auto sounds to be very easy to maintain Where as OG Kush Auto is proving quite problematic.

Have you done anything different with the 2 strains? Feed wise, medium wise etc?

Kind regards

By the sound of things Lemon juice express auto sounds to be very easy to maintain Where as OG Kush Auto is proving quite problematic.

Have you done anything different with the 2 strains? Feed wise, medium wise etc?

Kind regards

Hey Mark..[emoji481][emoji482] thanks stopping by[emoji482]

Yes the Lemon Juice Express is very easy to grow.

As far as changing feed...
No everybody in that Garden is getting the same T mix. I'm not discriminating adding to or taking away from any... They better eat pig's[emoji12]

I wish I had time and the resources to examine and feed and single plants out like that I would if I could. But I have to much going on to do that.
I make up a batch of strong tea and they all get it... if they do well Fabolous if they don't so sad.
So far it's all good though when I feed them they eat and some of them girls in that Garden are fat girl's and are eating like nobody's business like fat pig's when the sun comes out.

So We've had 2 day's of sun in a row[emoji14][emoji274] so that means I've had 6 days of sunlight out of the last 4 weeks. [emoji47] But that's Mother nature. Got to play the hand I'm delt.

The Lemon Juice Express is the stronger of the 2 strains and is just now taking off. Today alone the LJE girls I started early shot up 3 or 4 inch's.
While the 2 competition LJE plants shot up some but not near as far as the older one's. But the younger LJE comp girl's both seem to be exhibiting very strong stocks and they're very Stout looking.

I have 1 older OG Kush that's doing okay. The other older 1 is not looking good and may not make it.
The last Og kush comp girl just look like shit to tell you the truth.
I have 1 og kush that my buddy is growing it looks okay. And my buddy is also growing 1 LJE and it's looking good too.
But the Lemon Juice Express that he's running is not as near as nice as the ones that I'm growing[emoji39]go figure..Well it is what it is though you know what I'm saying. Sometimes you get a good seed and sometimes you don't. I think I got several good seeds out of Lemon Juice Express but not so good out of the OG Kush.

I think possibly the OG Kush might run better in a hydro system or some kind of substrate and bottled nutes versus the soil. I think it may take more time to dial in a soil grow for that particular strain the Lemon Juice Express seems to love my custom soil.

Tomorrow most likely I'm taking the greenhouse tarp off and the girl's are going to get full [emoji274]

I'll be watching them all closely though to make sure I don't get them sunburned. But the whole idea is to get that tarp all the way off and keep it off so I can start doing light depth. At that point I'll move all of my auto outside in they're own cage where they can get natural sunlight all the day long.
Because on or about the 10th of June the other girls that are in the ground are all going to be under light depth techniques and flipped to 14/10 for 1 week then 13/11 for 1 week then 12/12 to the end[emoji482]

Thanks for stopping Mark[emoji482]
Week 5 update

Not good
Had a miss hap with the wind and my green house tarp.
Was taking the tarp off the grow cage. And I've been super sick over this last week and weekend. When I was rolling it up I had left it in a bad spot. When eind picked up later in yhe day it picked up the whole thing and landed right on the big lemon juice express.[emoji35]
She broke at the bottom. I've tried to save her. She looked good yesterday. But today not so good.