Lighting HPS to LED.. what should I do

If you moved from hps to led to do regret the switch and investment ?

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Hey mate, cheers it was actually your long posts that have helped until now! I’ve watched some of those long YouTube links too

From what I have seen I don’t want/ can’t afford cobs as they only cover one plant and I tend to grow 4-8 a time - so I think the boards are the way to go and I ideally want something that will cover all phases of growth.

I think around 200-300 per light.. assuming I need 2 (I have a 2.4x1.2m tent and have 2 hps in there) but I am willing to go higher for extra savings in power use/ better light coverage etc

I honestly didn’t think I would have time/ skill for the diy option
Folux solutions LED are so easy that I wired 2 different boards with driver and plug in 15 mins

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its going to be tricky to get a pre built LED with the Samsung diodes for that price... for just a 1.2 x 1.2 you will need 4 QB's which is a HLG 550 pre built and your you will be paying 3 times the amount you have suggested... your only option is DIY for that kind of cash... seriously DIY is super super easy and HLG make it even easier if you buy on of there kits... where in the world are you base sir?

Interesting. Didn’t expect that

I’m in England mate
Interesting. Didn’t expect that

I’m in England mate

I THINK I can mention one possibility since I've seen them mentioned before, but have a look at diyleduk but be aware that they do seem to be having issues with stock at the moment
Interesting. Didn’t expect that

I’m in England mate

hey @Toppsy7 , how ya doing today

Look into - like what banjacked has said they can have supply problems but that's due to demand. They are the official stockiest of HLG Quantum Board kits and they are really good on price for the prebuilt units / custom jobs.

Also another company with DIY and prebuilt unit's by HLG... ...I recommended 2 x 550's to kill it in your space... Their COB led unit's also kick ass

you can find some kits on ebay as well just search for LM501b or LM301c

DIY will save you half your cash but I get it if you buy pre built. I know they cost but if you invest into HLG Quantum Boards your set for a few years... or until you want to build your next light like me

If you do go DIY don't panic we at AFN are here to help
Hey bro, this is Keith from Black Sail. Yeahhh, the guys at the hydro shop mean well but they're not up on the new tech. They have a point though, the vast majority of LED fixtures on the market are either over-priced or total dogshit. You have to be careful, I highly recommend watching these Growmau5 videos.

So here's the lowdown: You'll need about 420-450 Watts of high quality COBs to match the output from your 600 Watt HPS. Ignore all the other bullshit on anybody's website, in order to compare COB fixtures you only need to ask three questions:

1. The efficiency in umol/J (2.0umol/J for The Cannon)
2. The heatsink temperature at full power (120 Fahrenheit for The Cannon)
3. The cost in dollars per watt ($1.33/Watt for The Cannon)

If you don't get an immediate, straightforward answer to all three questions then don't buy that light!

I highly recommend The Cannon! The two pack is on sale for $638. That's 480 Watts at $1.33/Watt. The 220mm heatsink will be about 120 degrees Fahrenheit at full power, that's cool enough to hold and it'll barely touch the ambient temperature of your tent. The efficiency is 2.0umol/J. Compare those specs to any other COB fixture on the market:smoking:You'll need at least 8 of the smaller 50-55 Watt COBs to match the output, which can easily cost $1000.

Two Cannons will out-yield your 600W HPS all day long. You'll have tighter nodes and a big bump in quality from the improved spectrum and reduced heat. Check out my forum here on AFN, my IG @blacksailfarm, and my website Hit me up if you have any questions at all brotha, and happy growing!

Also, a note on spectrum. Color temperature should be 3000K-3500K, I use 3500K 80CRI because it's the best for full cycle. Adding in Far Red and UV is beneficial but not at all necessary when you're using full spectrum COBs, and it's never a replacement for power. Don't let anyone bullshit you about their "magic spectrum".
