Hello everybody, I’m a bit of a perfectionist but I don’t like to tell people about it
Y’all will have to forgive me this is my third time ever doing a blog thingy and the first two were not too long ago and also on here haha I’m gonna give everyone a fair warning, I’m a bit technologically challenged to day the least but I have a real passion for growing so I’m not gonna let a little learning curve keep me from meeting all of you awesome folks! I’m new to growing cannabis, but not new to growing, I’m actually a farmer by trade, and I love it! I wanted to get involved in this community because of all the awesome things I’ve heard on the different podcasts I listen to and I’ll take all the knowledge I can get, I don’t think you’re ever done learning! I hope I got this blog post right, I didn’t see that new users were supposed to do this until today so I’m a little late but I’m here
anyways, I look forward to meeting all of y’all and seeing some great work!