Outdoor how to yield a pound outdoors?



hey guys been growing for a couple years now but ive taken intrest in the autos. I would like to run a guerilla grow outdoors with enough shading to not be sen by helicopters. growing in the 40 degrees north lattitude. I would like to yield just one pound. i would be using promix soil with tigerbloom trio for nutes. any body know how many plants im gonna need to acomplish, or what i should expect to yield from a plant. as of nowIm gonna be running himalayan blue diesel from short stuff. what you think guys.
My opinion

I'm also starting a guerilla grow for the upcOming season; from what I've heard the average autoflower strain will produce +\- one ounce in favorable conditions. So to yield a pound you should harvest 16(give or take a couple) budding females.
Most of the dwarf type autos will indeed give around an ounce per plant as a good average with some giving much more and some much less... Another thing to think about for guerrilla growing is that you don't want to be lugging around water and nutes too far (it's a pain and harder to keep a trail hidden with that much traffic), so it would be better to make a good layered mix of soil to take the plant through it's entire life cycle. There are also lots of autos out there that will do much more than 1 ounce per plant, but if you are worried about helicopter visits the larger ones may not be the best option...
Also think about how many plants could be taken by mold, pests and animals, and plant at least double what you think you want to harvest to account for the unthinkable...
Good luck and grow karma sent your way bud! :smokebuds:
Rather than using Pro Mix outdoors you might consider a good organic mix that includes some composted manure or worm castings and perlite. Pro Mix, being a soil less mix, only contains starter nutes, so requires regular feeding. The manure/castings will supply nutrients to the plants and save you from having to worry about nutrients when it's raining and you don't need to check your plants. I've done it both ways myself, and the manure/castings mix works better for remote grows.

Deer, rabbits, cut worms and spider mites can also be issues outdoors. I would suggest using a product like Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit repellent as well regular applications of insecticidal soap during flowering. I've had whole crops completely ruined by spider mites and have also lost a good bit to deer as well.

HBD is capable of 1 oz. or more average but as Surffreak said, plant extras for the critters and bugs.
You no what's great about autos? You could harvest your pound by July and be smoking it before Leo even thinks about putting gas in his chopper. Atleast around here. Finding any mj plants in the middle of the summer would be a challenge to say the least.

If your going to plant 16, why not 32
hey guys been growing for a couple years now but ive taken intrest in the autos. I would like to run a guerilla grow outdoors with enough shading to not be sen by helicopters. growing in the 40 degrees north lattitude. I would like to yield just one pound. i would be using promix soil with tigerbloom trio for nutes. any body know how many plants im gonna need to acomplish, or what i should expect to yield from a plant. as of nowIm gonna be running himalayan blue diesel from short stuff. what you think guys.

if your going with autos helicopters wont be an issue. There to small and very hard to see, be more concerned with growing them good, so they finish on time and fully developed. If you can access a swamp, consider a swamp grow... there easy and very rewarding and way more secure than land grows
Exactly what I was thinking Muddy! :thumbs:
Yeah when I said layered soil I was actually thinking of the Subcool Supersoil mix, It can be mixed easily with other starter soils and if you leave a nice thick layer towards the bottom of the hole/bucket, the later half of the plants life cycle is taken care of with water alone, with no need to flush ever! Stay lazy as you can when it comes to guerilla growing, :coffe: it could keep you out of trouble with the law and pests! All it takes is a good start, maintenance should be easy as checking up on them once every two weeks to water (except the really hot weeks of summer) and check for damage.

Another way to grow outside with little risk besides falling, is to grow in the tops of large trees, strap some large tubs of soil up there and plant some large autos that will give you 2-4 oz per plant... This does of course take more watering visits but is great for keeping things hidden, some have devised ways of watering from the ground through drip tubes concealed part way up the trunk...
im sold on the up the tree method, gonna give this a good thinking
Lol I did that up the tree method years ago with photoperiods strains in the spring, I duct taped them to the tree haha, but they outgrew their containers, so they died for the most part, and I neglected to water a couple because of the hard work I had to do( Go out in the bush, climb a tree with water) lol.... tons of fun if you got the time I guess!
oh i got the time, i just do have a legit area that i can go to grow, but i have dozens closer where i can use the tree method. im amazed me or my friends have never though of this before. i have two seperate woods, one with little to no trails in them. im going exploring this weekend. :D