New Grower How to generate traffic in new grower/member treads.

Seriously, a big thank you A-Train, I've looked at a few weed sites the last couple of months but think I've found my 'home' in the weed community right here. I'm 12 weeks in to my first grow and had no idea at all when I started that there was such a following in th UK and over the world.....Is this Heaven?...........Well it might as be for me, so I will take your advice and create a journal and just maybe someone somewhere will learn from my mistakes!

I did a lot of reading before I started, but no amount of reading really prepares you for all the problems you may encounter. It is not like I thought it would be just buy some seeds put them in a pot and hey-presto!......12 weeks later is your gateway to heaven........Oh no, it ain't like that at all but it CAN be easy with the right knowledge.....And that is where you come in my friend

I will just mention that my autos are almost ready and I will kick the phots into 12/12 mode. My biggest problem is I had to raise my tent height from 5ft to 8ft and I'm not sure how to keep all the light out. It was a proper tent but I had to raise it and now have 3ft at the bottom that I somehow need to keep the light from getting.

Anyway A-Train that you for you invaluable info & I will try to get right into this site.....It looks a pleasure to do so. Thank you

Take care

Thats whats its all aboit friend
@A-Train Thanks for this post. Helped me get settled in here thats for sure.
How does one give rep? Im on tapatalk... Is the syntax " : slap : " ? Ive seen it and ive wanted to give rep but haven't really seen how exatly...

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?
How does one give rep? Im on tapatalk... Is the syntax " : slap : " ? Ive seen it and ive wanted to give rep but haven't really seen how exatly...

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?
Just click the notation "give reputation" at the bottom left of the message block. This will take you to the rep page.....just assign the number of points you want to give[from 1 to 100] and write a short note to your receipient....this will be private only he or she will see your note. That's it! Good luck!
How does one give rep? Im on tapatalk... Is the syntax " : slap : " ? Ive seen it and ive wanted to give rep but haven't really seen how exatly...

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?
I was told to repost with the tag. Sorry for the redundancy...
I should note that i am on the TAPATALK app and not on the desktop site...
Thanks in advance.

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?
@Duggy Can you help this member with his problem.....I think FN signed off......thanks!
@Son of Hobbes Can you help here..........see above........Thanks!!!
@F.N.I was told to repost with the tag. Sorry for the redundancy...
I should note that i am on the TAPATALK app and not on the desktop site...
Thanks in advance.

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?

Hey brother let me look into it but it's possible it's a limited feature on Tapatalk; not everything translates over 100% from Xenforo to Tapatalk unfortunately. We offer Tapatalk just because it's such a wide used app (and not much else compares to it,) but we're unfortunately tied by some things because it's their software (and not something we can easily manipulate.) Let me take a look though, if there's a way we'll try to make it happen!
Hey brother let me look into it but it's possible it's a limited feature on Tapatalk; not everything translates over 100% from Xenforo to Tapatalk unfortunately. We offer Tapatalk just because it's such a wide used app (and not much else compares to it,) but we're unfortunately tied by some things because it's their software (and not something we can easily manipulate.) Let me take a look though, if there's a way we'll try to make it happen!
Thanks, Hobbes!!!
Thank you!! I appreciate you looking into that. I owe some folks some rep. [emoji23][emoji41]
Hey brother let me look into it but it's possible it's a limited feature on Tapatalk; not everything translates over 100% from Xenforo to Tapatalk unfortunately. We offer Tapatalk just because it's such a wide used app (and not much else compares to it,) but we're unfortunately tied by some things because it's their software (and not something we can easily manipulate.) Let me take a look though, if there's a way we'll try to make it happen!

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?