How to fix lockout?

There is plenty of lime in the FFOF so PH is not likely a problem in the pot. It just has too much everything. Just water with PHed 6.3 water for the next week or 10 days and see what happens. Flushing just makes things worse in precharged soils.

Get a good soil probe like the Accurate 8 or Blue Lab to check the PH in the root zone.
Since I have not been watering to runoff this whole time since I have been taking the organic approach, should I continue Keeping the medium moist but not damp or start watering to run off?
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Continue treating like soil and observe the plant. Intentional run-off is not desired. Your original observation was most likely wrong and the plant did not need more nutrient but was actually locking something out. It may get worse before it gets better. The damage you see today may have been done several days ago. So just give water and lets see what the plant will tell us.

What you need to learn about watering will come with practice. Here are the basic rules: Never let the soil dry out. Soil and or coco can become hydrophobic if allowed to dry. This means it repels water. This in turn will create dry pockets in the soil and roots there will die. If your soil - coco have accidentally dried out use a surfactant to help re-wet it. I like yucca powder. Don't let soil remain soggy by watering too much too often. Root rot, damping off, molds, fungus gnats and other problems start in soggy soil. When you do water water the entire pot. How to learn when to water starts before you plant the seed. Fill your container with fresh soil/coco and weigh it (heft it) this is the lightest weight and consider it a dry pot. Now slowly water until the soil/coco will no longer absorb the water and run-off begins; weigh the pot (heft it) this is the maximum water, the wettest the pot can get. The difference between wettest and driest is the maximum water weight, for ease of explanation lets just say the water weighs 20 pounds. When the pot loses 10 pounds (half of the water weight) it is time to water again. There is an art to watering.
@Mañ'O'Green I was just tending to my other plants and I realized that this problem started occurring after I dimmed my lights down a bit in my closet because of another plant that I had topped could this have anything to do with the light being dimmed down? Should I leave the lights dimmed or crank them back up
@Mañ'O'Green I was just tending to my other plants and I realized that this problem started occurring after I dimmed my lights down a bit in my closet because of another plant that I had topped could this have anything to do with the light being dimmed down? Should I leave the lights dimmed or crank them back up
No, it is not likely involved. LEDs do not burn cannabis plants. Stoners have confused HID lamps that can and do burn plants with LEDs. The sun runs at 2000 PPFD and cannabis loves it. HID lamps burn with IR radiation - heat. LED fixtures contain no or few IR chips and most cannot produce more light than the sun.
@Mañ'O'Green i saw you just mention something with the N & K with purple strains manifesting as cal. You think that’s what happened here? Also I have been feeding straight water for over 10 days my girls got worse b4 looking better. You think It’s time for another top dress or should I wait until depleted and start with Chem’s for this run? Also was planning on a small feeding of Epsom salt as they are starting to get a lighter green. Any recommendations?
@Mañ'O'Green i saw you just mention something with the N & K with purple strains manifesting as cal. You think that’s what happened here? Also I have been feeding straight water for over 10 days my girls got worse b4 looking better. You think It’s time for another top dress or should I wait until depleted and start with Chem’s for this run? Also was planning on a small feeding of Epsom salt as they are starting to get a lighter green. Any recommendations?
What do the plants look like? are they overall light green? Hold off on the Epsom.

@Mañ'O'Green this is her today