Outdoor How to avoid Pollination outdoors?

Mar 24, 2016
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Hi guys,

i am growing Dutch Passion - Auto Durban outdoors and really concerned if its gonna get pollinated by wild hemp growing around.

need advice... what can i do to minimize the risk of pollination by hemp? what is the flowering cycle of hemp?

and i can not get rid of hemp.. lol.. its too much of an ask... even with government resources!
unless its in a fully contained anvironment you'll be subject to pollen from literally MILES away.so its really a guessing and chance game fully open to the Outdoors sorry to say.thats partly why I dont do OD runs much cuz there are ALL KINDS of noobs doing photos OD around here and I was subject to pollen form three miles or better away. i think its something like a ten mile gap,even then there is chances to go further if the right conditions persist and maintain that lofty wee yellow pollen ball(s) LOL rouge pollen beware ,not just cannabis or hemp,other can effect and mutate your herbals as well.more rare but happens every day somewhere LOL
Hi guys,

i am growing Dutch Passion - Auto Durban outdoors and really concerned if its gonna get pollinated by wild hemp growing around.

need advice... what can i do to minimize the risk of pollination by hemp? what is the flowering cycle of hemp?

and i can not get rid of hemp.. lol.. its too much of an ask... even with government resources!

There is nothing you can do to prevent the pollination. Your plants will be pollinated. This is why I exclusively grow autos now and I start them in April-May. I never have to worry about pollination anymore because male wild cannabis doesn't start releasing pollen till around early August.

Your plants will only be lightly seeded though.
There is nothing you can do to prevent the pollination. Your plants will be pollinated. This is why I exclusively grow autos now and I start them in April-May. I never have to worry about pollination anymore because male wild cannabis doesn't start releasing pollen till around early August.

Your plants will only be lightly seeded though.

lightly seeded is just fine i guess?? what i believe is that the buds will stop growing after pollination. maybe i am wrong?

unless its in a fully contained anvironment you'll be subject to pollen from literally MILES away.so its really a guessing and chance game fully open to the Outdoors sorry to say.thats partly why I dont do OD runs much cuz there are ALL KINDS of noobs doing photos OD around here and I was subject to pollen form three miles or better away. i think its something like a ten mile gap,even then there is chances to go further if the right conditions persist and maintain that lofty wee yellow pollen ball(s) LOL rouge pollen beware ,not just cannabis or hemp,other can effect and mutate your herbals as well.more rare but happens every day somewhere LOL

:( how much do you think it can ruin the final crop? will the whole plant start producing seeds immediately after pollination? i mean all the buds?
your in Pakistan eh? well in that region, fully natural industrial Hemp is afoot,amongst many many others in large open areas and wind drifts from the mountains ,but as far as hemp goes and cannabis, if your planning on using the seeds to plant,I wouldnt,Id only bake or make simple cdb type and omega-3 oil additives if your so inclined. but as for the seeds, it'll be ok,it will sap some foods from a potted plant but one in the earth should be ok,especially if your feeding it some,but it does tend to pull some of the potency out of it(again it can depend on conditions),biut all in all as far as flat out ruining your plant ,I say no. a pain in the ass to be honest if your gonna de seed most of the buds(which Id recommend) but it also depends on what you plan on doing with the plant after its cut. cooking oil or butter or similar is what I personally would do with it..hash what have ya.
lightly seeded is just fine i guess?? what i believe is that the buds will stop growing after pollination. maybe i am wrong?

:( how much do you think it can ruin the final crop? will the whole plant start producing seeds immediately after pollination? i mean all the buds?
Your plants will not be ruined from the pollination, but you will lose some aroma and some potency. The buds will continue to grow and get larger from a light pollination but you they will produce seeds along with bud.