New Grower How often do you feed your plants??


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Cultivators Club
May 26, 2011
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Hey buds. I'm growing in soil... I'm wondering if I could feed my plants more than I am. I water with molasses in between every feeding. Wondering if I could push the envelope...

Question is... Do you HAVE to water with just pH'd water in between every feeding? Or can you feed every time you water? Or every few times like feed, feed, pH'd water, etc...

How do you all feed and water your plants? Anyone like to weigh in??
Last sour60 run i did, i was watering them with nutes every watering. TBM also made a good point, i forget which thread. But it was along the lines of, not to mix your flower nutes and veg nutes into one watering. The flower nutes could cause a lockout of your veg nutes..

So i was trying one watering with flower nutes, the next with my veg nutes. They were fine if you ask me.

Really had to flush though, more to do with my nutes. But they were healthy and flowered very nicely. Test what they can handle, imo.

Now i am back to all organic so i don't water in my nutes, just water. I just feed them teas once and a while.
I am in the process of seeing how much food I can push at a LR2 right now and currently I'm running almost full strength botanicare bloom, clearex and calmag every watering, plus pura vida bloom every 3rd feed. I started very slowly though... I'm just starting to see the signs of over nuting and am backing off... I'm really surprised at what this particular LR2 is taking, maybe it's just an extra hungry pheno... after backing off a bit she will go on clearex alone for the remainder of the grow...:toke:

Forgot to mention I'm using Manna mix from vital earth, not a very hot soil at all... great for autos!
I feed half strength with every watering, with occasional water only and full strength feeding.
Last sour60 run i did, i was watering them with nutes every watering. TBM also made a good point, i forget which thread. But it was along the lines of, not to mix your flower nutes and veg nutes into one watering. The flower nutes could cause a lockout of your veg nutes..
does that include products like microbrew or the fox farm big bloom
What a tough question. There are so many variables that I don't feel that the question is answerable. Soil type, drainage, chem or organic nutes,size and strain to name a few. But the short answer would have to be yes. You can feed every watering. If I was to feed every watering I would cut the ppm of what I was using every other watering by at least 2/3's.
Thank you all for that information. I noticed FD in his guide to hefty... He showed listed his feeding schedule and it seemed to me he did what TBM does... What Bailer was explaining... Not give them the grow & bloom together... I agree CDC it is a tough question but, that's why I wanted to ask you guys. Kinda like a consensus. I know Hydro application is different than soil but it seems to be the same as far as when you feed and how much (give or take a few tsp's or what not). I might try giving nutes at every feeding. I feel I could push them a little more, maybe a lot more. I have them in FFOF and mix everything together and let it sit for 24 hrs. before applying it to the OF. So far I haven't seen any signs of nute burn/lock in my past applications and grows BUT I could get better yields for sure. Thanks again you guys for sharing your feeding schedules.
I use the organic line from General Hydroponics, the line includes Bio Thrive, Bio Root, Bio Weed, Bio Bloom, Bio Bud, CaMag+, & Black Diamond humic acids:no:I use my uncles home made molasses that he makes from the cane:smokeit:he grows in Tn. Its really a neat process but that's another thread. I only use molasses the last 6weeks of bloom, I mix it rite w/ my nutes & then ph. My friend Jackal gave me the heads up:clap:that organic nutes don't leave salt deposits behind & really only need flushed when changing from vegg to bloom.

I start feeding full strength before they ever are germ'ed...hehe I tell you how. I use Sunshine Advanced pro mix 4 soiless mix w/ 3gal smart pots. You see in that soiless mix there is mycorrhizae(mycro-funguys), an organism that digest or carry the nutes to the root of the plant & injects the nutes into the plant. These guys got be activated:jump: & fed, there are no nutes in ssapm4. So I try to do this no later than 3days prior to planting & I continue full strength every water/feed there on. When we give our plants molasses its for trich production. The mycro-funguys digest the molasses & refeed to your plant, not that the plant can't up take it their self, it can but the mycro:toke:funguys break it down for the plant & from what I've experienced its much better. Your soil & container will be a major factor in how much & how often you water/feed:thumbs:For me I water & feed all at once now that I've learned organic has no salt build up. I feed every 2-3 days or 3x evry 7-9 days depending on the size of the plant & the weather, heat humidity & so forth. Always ph after adding nutes, and some ph up/down I'm learning maybe harmful to the mycro-funguys. Its also really hard to burn:firedevil: a plant w/ organics, most of the bottles say "for heavy feeding plants, double dosage" I've not done this but I know a sativa I'ld like to try it on..hehe...:D

The bud is AA I grew:hump:had just started useing the mycro-funguys w// that grow.:pimp:


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Dang Smashed that's some great info! I use Humboldt Nutrients Organic Program products. They have a ton of different products for the Organic Program you can choose from but I just went with Grow Natural, Bloom Natural, Honey Extra Strength (ES), & DeuceDeuce. I also use their Myco Madness powder that not only has a great amount of Myco's it also has Trichoderma, and Good Bacteria as well. It has a long shelf-life like you said they need to be activated so they don't "come alive" until you water. So you mix all your nutes ALL together? Or do you feed them to your plants separately? I'm pretty sure you said you did I just want to make sure I understand correctly. My water out of my well is just between 6.8-7.0. I'm guessing I would be o.k. then to continue to mix them all at once. Sorry just thinkin' out loud lol Thanks Smashed.
Yep mix em all together, even the molasses when useng... my schedule looks like this...
10ml of bio thrive
10ml of bio root
5ml of CaMag+
2.t of bio weed

10ml of bio bloom
10ml of bio Root(this only for the 1st few feedings for clones)
5ml of CaMag+
2.5 of the bio bud(accelerator)

The CaMag is 10% fermented molasses & 2.5% sugar cane, now I'm not sure & plz someone correct me but those are sugars that the mycro-funguys turn into carbs for the plant or is visa versa???
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