I use the organic line from General Hydroponics, the line includes Bio Thrive, Bio Root, Bio Weed, Bio Bloom, Bio Bud, CaMag+, & Black Diamond humic acids:no:I use my uncles home made molasses that he makes from the cane
he grows in Tn. Its really a neat process but that's another thread. I only use molasses the last 6weeks of bloom, I mix it rite w/ my nutes & then ph. My friend Jackal gave me the heads up:clap:that organic nutes don't leave salt deposits behind & really only need flushed when changing from vegg to bloom.
I start feeding full strength before they ever are germ'ed...hehe I tell you how. I use Sunshine Advanced pro mix 4 soiless mix w/ 3gal smart pots. You see in that soiless mix there is mycorrhizae(mycro-funguys), an organism that digest or carry the nutes to the root of the plant & injects the nutes into the plant. These guys got be activated
& fed, there are no nutes in ssapm4. So I try to do this no later than 3days prior to planting & I continue full strength every water/feed there on. When we give our plants molasses its for trich production. The mycro-funguys digest the molasses & refeed to your plant, not that the plant can't up take it their self, it can but the mycro
funguys break it down for the plant & from what I've experienced its much better. Your soil & container will be a major factor in how much & how often you water/feed:thumbs:For me I water & feed all at once now that I've learned organic has no salt build up. I feed every 2-3 days or 3x evry 7-9 days depending on the size of the plant & the weather, heat humidity & so forth. Always ph after adding nutes, and some ph up/down I'm learning maybe harmful to the mycro-funguys. Its also really hard to burn:firedevil: a plant w/ organics, most of the bottles say "for heavy feeding plants, double dosage" I've not done this but I know a sativa I'ld like to try it on..hehe...
The bud is AA I grew
had just started useing the mycro-funguys w// that grow.