How Much of Your Harvest Do You Make of Use (and other questions)

I try and use as much as possible. I make chocolates, gummies, MCT tinctures, I press rosin, I do alcohol extraction of both trim and smalls. I make both balm and cream containing both crude for the THC and CBD which I purchase in bulk. I also add terpenes where they can benefit in Tincture or Cream. I use a lot of cream myself, but it is so popular around my family and friends. My brother's mother-in-law loves the stuff. My freezer gets stuffed with scraps and alcohol.

I recently learned about "terpene" additives. Can you mention a brand or some of the products you have vetted? This seems like an area ripe for companies to cut corners for a fragrance.

I'm posting a random screenshot from Amazon. Do any of these look familiar?

I guess I am trying to figure out how you go about deciding which terpene to choose? I see one here in the top row that references Jack Herer. Do you look for an additive that is a match to your stash or do you get creative mix any kind of flavor that suits you?


I try and use as much as possible. I make chocolates, gummies, MCT tinctures, I press rosin, I do alcohol extraction of both trim and smalls. I make both balm and cream containing both crude for the THC and CBD which I purchase in bulk. I also add terpenes where they can benefit in Tincture or Cream. I use a lot of cream myself, but it is so popular around my family and friends. My brother's mother-in-law loves the stuff. My freezer gets stuffed with scraps and alcohol.

I recently learned about "terpene" additives. Can you mention a brand or some of the products you have vetted? This seems like an area ripe for companies to cut corners for a fragrance.

I'm posting a random screenshot from Amazon. Do any of these look familiar?

I guess I am trying to figure out how you go about deciding which terpene to choose? I see one here in the top row that references Jack Herer. Do you look for an additive that is a match to your stash or do you get creative mix any kind of flavor that suits you?

View attachment 1410052 I buy CBD isolate and terpenes here. I buy straight ones. Not strain ones. So I would buy limonene or beta-pinene. It depends what you are looking for. I am not using it to smoke or make vape juice.
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I feed the left overs to my indoor composting worm farm

Trim with trichs gets dried and put into jars until I can cook it up with some coconut oil. I usually throw the larf in there too. Not sure about the dosing though and it stinks up the neighborhood. I might try the alcohol extraction this next round.
ooooo- hadn't thought about doing that. Yum
Try it, it's guuuud!!
Melt the chocolate and hash in a glass bowl over a pot with hot water (au-bain-marie). stir slowly until everything has combined and is liquid. Then use as you would in any dish (ie, cake or brownie)
You can recycle the plant material as fertilizer thru fermentation
I let the leaves dry, crunch them up, and feed them to the worm bin along with kitchen scraps. Kinda like perpetual motion. Feed worms cannabis leaves, feed cannabis worm poop, feed the worm pooped leaves back to the worms... :crying: :pighug:
I'm a pretty big fan of the alcohol extraction. I use everclear, some use isopropyl.
I'll freeze whatever plant material I'm going to use. It is put into a jar with the ever clear and shaken for a bit. The longer you shake the more you get but it will be less pure.
You then strain through coffee filters and I'll pour the solution into a baking dish lined with parchment paper. You could then put into low temp oven with the door cracked so fumes don't build up, but I like to let it evaporate at room temperature. I'll cover it with a towel and set it somewhere out of the way. It might take a few days this way but I think it is a better product when done like this. The finished product can be smoked in an oil burner or with a vaporizer for concentrates. You can also smear it on rolling papers for joints.
I want to create an alcohol extraction that can work by putting a drop under my tongue. But most of my previous grows have netted under 2 oz and that's not so great for extraction. I've wasted ounces and ounces of bud trying different things.

However... I vegged a Zsweet Inzanity for four months - - the last month in a 25 gallon pot. This thing is a monster and my eyeball says I'm going to get a pound. So in a few months I should have the alcohol elixir thing down.
I want to create an alcohol extraction that can work by putting a drop under my tongue. But most of my previous grows have netted under 2 oz and that's not so great for extraction. I've wasted ounces and ounces of bud trying different things.

However... I vegged a Zsweet Inzanity for four months - - the last month in a 25 gallon pot. This thing is a monster and my eyeball says I'm going to get a pound. So in a few months I should have the alcohol elixir thing down.
1. Freeze 190 proof and alcohol for atleast one hour.
2. Break up nug cover with alcohol soak for 1 min to 2 longer soak less potent. Can do multiple soaks. But you want to get it as pure as possible so you can make it work with a small amount.
3. Pour thru coffee filter into Pyrex to thin out as much as possible. Leave it out at room temperature till evaporated. Scrape up put in mason jar.
4. Cap mason jar in oven 250f for 20 minutes. Until big decarboxylation bubbles are gone.
5. Add 190 back in 1 to 3 or 4 maybe to absorb decarbed oil. You have tincture less alcohol more potent.

never use an open flame to evaporate alcohol. It's better to just do at room temp if you do use a heat source know what you are doing if you get alcohol fumes built up can ignite thru ways like you wouldn't think like static electricity.