Indoor How Many Lights ?

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Your taking my words out of context. Not contradicting myself in the least bit. Intensity between CFL's and HID will produce a larger yield, yes I said that.

However, we were talking about light cycles for optimum growth, not cfl vs HID. You are the one who actually contradicted yourself when you said "Switching the lights works with HID's but not with CFL/T5's" Of course the higher intensity the better, but you need intensity in the right spectrum...

Again, I will say, if changing the lights works on autos when using HID's then it will work exactly the same with CFL's.

Wrong again then!!!!!

So you've grow auto's for years and have tried switching spectrum's with your HID and your T5 fixture. And you know the outcome cause you did it, right??? No, you haven't...Until you grow with T5 lighting for a couple of years, you shouldn't be commenting on how to use them. I know for a fact that another mod here has great results when he switches his HID. But that's HID. I, on the other hand, have tried the full spectrum for a grow. My yields were smaller that if I would have used only the 6500k bulbs. I use the T5's
I can get alot closer to the plants for canopy penetration. It's like you said, you haven't grown many or any auto, so sit back and learn something for a while newbie...
Ripster ur partly to blame for me buying the T5 i have so if your saying 6500k is the way to go on autos ill listen and see what happens bc im a big newbie :thumbs:
But... i bought the 2700k also just in case i wanted to do photos in the future or to do my own lil test but im gonna try all 6500k first
I'll admit I don't know shit at all about these autos and anything I say about them is pure speculation

So quit speculating and just follow Senior advise when it come to auto's man.

i just wanna kno if running only veg or flower or running both is gonna give me max yield thats all i wanna figure out lmao :smoke:

The max yield with the T5 lighting WILL BE WITH 6500K BULBS start to finish my friend...Trust me, I do know what I'm talking about. The guy upstairs has no clue about auto and he never will until he starts to listen.

Very sorry for overtaking your thread.
Before I bought my BadBoy I was doing my research, checking YouTube and found this video below. It shows them testing the lumens, wattage and heat. The bloom tubes produces more lumens then the veg, but right in the middle where the spectrum was mixing both spectrums, it was producing higher lumens then both if i remember correctly.

I think I will do it in ripsters way maybe with a small supplement.
maybe i use 4 X 20-30W sidelight (2700K), but the main bulbs will be 6400K, that sure.

I think the last 15-20 post was very usefull, because maybe there is some wrong info, but this topick where i read at first the REASONS why I use something or why not!!!!!
I want to know these thing weeks ago, but i cant find it nowhere!!!!!!!

I think the fundamental problem so far was that it was not stated whether or not we are talking about AF. Obviously, this AF forum, but maybe some growner share us the knowledge about non AF plants. Not with malice, but he knows this well. And this just had to (at least for me) to begin to see clearly.
Now I just ask one thing!!!!!
Someone confirm that I think well.
This 6500K lighting is good for AF to seed to harvest. The annoying thing was that the conversation went in parallel with the auto and non auto plants light claims.
Am I right?
The max yield with the T5 lighting WILL BE WITH 6500K BULBS start to finish my friend...Very sorry for overtaking your thread.

So you are saying that the MAX yield when using HID is by using Metal Halide from start to finish.
I think he's just saying that he's found it better to use two different techniques for these two different products. Everyone just slow your roll.... no need to keep :stir: