Ive ran a few grows MH/HPS and HPS all the way for autos. HPS all the way I’ve noticed is better. To my point, I’m trying by this one with a 600watt LED. usually do 2-4 plants a grow, this will be two. The heat and the noise of the exhaust and ALL the oscillating fans is the reasoning for the LED. Did my homework to an extent. Quality LED for the price but lacks in the red for flowering. It’s good from reviews and videos but I could see not the mass of the bud I was use to with HPS. So, if I started out with led for let’s just say a 12 week grow. And I wanted to supplement in the HPS but go beck to the LED for heat and noise issues, middle of summer also. Would you want to change it out weeks 4-8,8-12,6-10? How long would be worth it for results? Would I just want to finish with HPS? Once up? Appreciate any help.